This year’s Year 7 chess champion is Devin Karia, who won all six of his games to take the title with maximum points. Runner-up Joshua Wong was among a number of boys who took five from six points.

The competition attracted a high-quality field of 72 boys, who enjoyed a competitive morning of chess. “I was very pleased to see such a large group of highly able and enthusiastic chess players in Year 7,” said Geoff Roberts, teacher in charge of chess at QE. “It was especially pleasing to see the high standard of chess being played by so many of the competitors at such an early stage in their school careers.”

The competitors were assisted by Sixth-Formers Joseph Levene and Harshil Joshi. “They made invaluable contributions to the running of the tournament,” said Mr Roberts. “They administered the pairings for each round and acted as arbiters in the case of rules queries. The Year 7 boys undoubtedly enjoyed receiving coaching and advice from Joseph and Harshil, who have been highly successful at chess over many years.”

""The final positions were:

First place – Devin Karia

Second place – Joshua Wong

Third place – Aqif Choudhury

Bhar Rambhiya was placed fourth, Paarth Singhal fifth, Sam Cohen sixth and Muhnnad Tingari seventh.