Six QE boys joined a congregation of former and current pupils from their primary school to celebrate its 200th anniversary at a special service in St Paul’s Cathedral.
Omar Tamani of Year 7, Year 9s Hamza Bharmal and Jason Chen, Reuben Chacko of Year 11 and Year 13 students Adam Bharmal and Nayan Patel were all pupils at St Mary’s Primary School in Finchley. QE Senior Year Head Alexandra Pearson accompanied them to the special bicentenary service of thanksgiving in Wren’s English Baroque masterpiece.
The service included hymns, readings, prayers and a procession of current St Mary’s pupils bearing banners. The children then outlined the history of the school from its founding as a parish school in 1812, in a private house in Hendon Lane with just 15 pupils. Over 200 years the school has grown to 420 pupils with a nursery unit and is situated in specially designed buildings in Dollis Park.
“It was great seeing all my old teachers and hearing about how the school has progressed since I left,” said Reuben Chacko. “We were given reserved seats, almost directly beneath the dome and close to all the action. I enjoyed watching the St Mary’s pupils acting out Bible stories and singing in the choir. There’s no doubt the education I received there provided a solid foundation on which I have subsequently been able to build.”