Picture perfect: Art news

Henry Yang has been awarded a place at Central St Martin’s College of Art to pursue his Fine Art studies at Foundation Level. Fellow sixth-former, Lucca Ferrarese has gained entry to the prestigious Architectural Course at Bartlett College, UCL.

“Upper Sixth work was extremely adventurous this year, including a number of very playful, larger-scale assemblages,” reports Head of Art, Ashley West.

A number of Sixth Form Art students entered the Royal Academy A-level Summer Exhibition Online competition.

Shyam Thacker and Adrian Chua had work selected for the exhibition itself, while Yanni Pitsillides and Vinujan Sivananthan were shortlisted. The work of all four boys can be viewed at www.royalacademy.org.uk/alevel.

An internal lower school competition to design a poster for Founder’s Day was won by Year 7 student, Ricky Eatough.