Mr David Burton: Biography

David Burton, FCA, BA, who is a Member appointed governor, spent 30 years working in insurance and reinsurance.
An Old Elizabethan (1971–1978), he studied English and History at university and then trained as a Chartered Accountant with Ernst & Young.
His long involvement with insurance and reinsurance businesses (underwriting companies, intermediaries, service companies and Lloyd’s syndicates) included work as an auditor, advisor and financial manager. This period culminated in his appointment as Chief Financial Officer of an insurance and reinsurance company dealing with a portfolio of claims issues.
After a break from the business world, he returned to QE as Head of Finance in May 2016 and took on the role of Chief Finance Officer in November 2020, before retiring in May 2022. David returned to the Governing Body in September 2023, having served a term as an elected Staff Governor from 2016 to 2020.