Mr Daren Norris: Biography

Old Elizabethan Daren Norris credits the School for a life-long love of Russian – an interest which he is able to pursue today through his international sales career.
Daren (OE 1977–1984) is a Member of the Academy Trust. He is also Secretary and Editorial Secretary of The Old Elizabethans Association.
After QE, he read Russian at Exeter, having been introduced to the language as an option for O-levels (the predecessor to GCSEs).
Since 1989, Daren has been a Sales Manager in chemical distribution and is currently involved in the pharmaceutical sector in Russia/CIS, central and eastern Europe, the Balkans and Turkey.
He is married to Justine and has two daughters. A keen follower (“and sometime player”) of cricket and rugby, he is also a theatre goer and enjoys walking with his dogs.