Sixth-Former Jacob Hilton has qualified for the second round of the Senior British Mathematical Olympiad – the first time a QE boy has progressed so far in this prestigious competition. Jacob is also celebrating the offer of a place from Trinity College, Cambridge, to read Mathematics.

He was placed 49th out of 1,308 candidates in the first round of the competition, which is entered mainly by pupils who have already performed well in the earlier UK Senior Mathematics Challenge. He won a bronze medal as well as a book prize, The Backbone of Pascal’s Triangle by Martin Griffiths.

“Jacob has excelled himself with this performance. We congratulate him on this fantastic achievement and wish him well for the second round of the Olympiad taking place on Thursday 29th January 2009,” said Head of Mathematics Gee Scarisbrick. 

  • A total of 23 boys in this year’s Year 13 at QE currently (January 2009) have Oxbridge offers, with 19 at Cambridge and four at Oxford. The most popular subjects amongst these are Law, with four offers, and Economics, Engineering and Natural Sciences, for which there are three offers each.