Finding a solution to the problem
The work of the four QE boys who took part in the Lovell’s Engineering Education Scheme is to be presented to the Government’s Health & Safety Executive for consideration.
Burhan Ashraf, Sachin Leelasena, Karan Dewnani and Chris Wong were set a brief to design a more effective way to rescue an ill or injured operator from a tower crane.
Syd Appleyard from Select Cranes, who Chairs the Tower Crane Interest Group, was so impressed with the QE Team that he has asked them to present their project to the TCIG’s monthly review meeting and the HSE. “The team’s proposals were assessed by a team of engineering professionals and it’s clear that they solved many underlying issues that current solutions have missed,” said Mr Appleyard.
Meanwhile Osanne Gbayere, Keeran Sivalingam, Niraj Shah, Rushab Badiani, Michael Zhao and Sebastian Feszczur-Hatchett have all been offered final interviews to secure a place on the prestigious Arkwright scholarship scheme. This entitles students to a financial subsidy to help towards their academic studies and provides close working connections with cutting-edge engineering firms.