Queen Elizabeth's School
Founder's Day 2024 - THIS SATURDAY
An opportunity to give

Whether you can get to the School this Saturday or not, donating via our JustGiving page is one of the easiest ways to help FQE hit its £25,000 target for Founder’s Day 2024 and equip the new Robert Dudley Studio with the audio-visual equipment it needs. Founder’s Day is the single largest annual fundraising event for FQE, a registered charity that has helped transform the School campus and the educational opportunities on offer. Please give what you can and help secure a great legacy from Founder’s Day.

Thank you.

I would like to donate now
Founder's Day

Celebrate with us on Saturday

We are now counting down to our historic Founder’s Day on Saturday, 15th June, and you are warmly invited!

Why ‘historic’? Because this year marks 40 years since the traditional Founder’s Day was reinstated at QE after a hiatus of a few years. So our School has now been celebrating in this way on the third Saturday of June for four decades.

The day begins with the thanksgiving service at the Parish Church. Those involved return to the School for the Roll Call and Reading of the School Chronicle, before the eagerly awaited 1pm start of the FQE fete on Stapylton Field in front of Main Building.

All are very welcome to the fete, including current boys and their families, Old Elizabethans, former staff and parents, and local residents.

If you can help out, the FQE fete committee would greatly appreciate it – scroll down to read some last-minute appeals for volunteers and donations.

We’re keen to encourage the recent trend of more alumni turning out on Founder’s Day, so we have organised a buffet lunch for alumni – details below.

Founder’s Day is not only a highlight of our School year, it’s also FQE’s biggest annual fundraiser. And in today’s difficult economic climate, that fundraising element is more important than ever in ensuring QE keeps moving ahead. We want to keep on improving the life chances of boys from all backgrounds, providing fantastic facilities as a state school and offering places purely on academic merit.

All proceeds from this year’s fundraising appeal will go to providing high-quality audio-visual equipment for The Robert Dudley Studio. The equipment is the vital finishing touch needed for this 200-seat facility for drama and the spoken word in the heart of the School. As you can see from our latest photo below, the studio is very nearly finished, with tiered seating and theatrical curtains now installed. It looks fantastic!

So whether you are planning to come on Saturday, or you are unable to make it, please do make a financial contribution.

Thank you so much for all your support – and I look forward to seeing as many as possible here on Saturday.

Enright Signature
Mr Neil Enright
Founder's Day 2024 - Outline of the day

Outline of the day

11.00am Traditional Service of Thanksgiving at the Parish Church.
12.30pm Roll Call and Reading of the School Chronicle in front of the Main Building.
1.00pm – 4.30pm FQE Fete, with stalls, international food and cultural performances on stage throughout the afternoon.
1.00pm – 4.00pm See 450 in Photos, a new photographic display showing last year’s anniversary celebrations, and the Tudor Rose Crown, a whole-School art project. Both on display in the Main Building.

Thanksgiving service

(admission by ticket only)

Old Elizabethans, former staff and other friends of the School who would like to attend the morning church service are asked to complete our RSVP form. For current pupils and parents, the service is by invitation only.

RSVP form to attend church service
The Robert Dudley Studio

The Robert Dudley Studio taking QE drama to the next level

Year 13’s Indrajit Datta has always taken a keen interest in the School’s AV, sound in particular, gradually shouldering greater and greater responsibility for supporting concerts and events. The industry-standard systems in the new Music building are, he says, already raising standards and inspiring the new generation of sound engineers whom Indrajit has been training up. “The equipment in The Robert Dudley Studio will similarly allow them to be creative and ambitious, with the lighting great for understanding theatre arts. It will help take drama and the performing arts at QE to the next level. I can’t wait to see how it turns out!”.

To read the full interview with Indrajit, and for more on The Robert Dudley Studio, see the 44-page Founder’s Day fete programme tomorrow.

Founder’s Day buffet lunch

Alumni, let’s do lunch!

All Old Elizabethans are welcome at a Founder’s Day buffet lunch on Saturday. High-flying barrister Sam Goodman (OE 2002–2009) will be at the lunch, having been the guest speaker at the Founder’s Day thanksgiving service in the morning. Just remember to leave a little space for all the culinary treats on offer from the food stalls at the fete in the afternoon!

The OE lunch is at 1pm on Saturday in the Main School Hall – no need to book, just turn up.

Creating some 1,300 Tudor roses from clay

Crowning the 450th anniversary

A new art project on display on Saturday afternoon in the Main Building is a fitting visual epilogue to QE’s 450th anniversary celebrations last year. Every pupil in the School was involved in creating some 1,300 Tudor roses from clay. Along with additional red and green roses cast in resin, they make up a mosaic which depicts the royal crown as it appears in the School’s logo.

See the Tudor Rose Crown in the Main Building, 1pm–4pm.

FQE Appeal

Can you help? An FQE appeal

With thanks to everyone who has volunteered so far, the FQE Fete committee would still like a little more help.

Register through the link for whichever activity you would like to support. Everything you need to manage your stall will be provided, and you’ll even receive a goody bag, too.

Yes – I would like to volunteer

Cake and tea donations:

Home-baked cakes and biscuits, as well as donations of afternoon tea items (sandwiches, scones, cream, jam, strawberries) and other fresh fruit are all needed. 

Yes – I can help

Other donations:

Books; toys, puzzles & games (preferably complete and in original boxes); computer games; jewellery and accessories (old and new); tombola prizes (bottles of alcohol should be handed into Reception).

Donations can be brought in tomorrow (Friday) or on Saturday morning.

House Music

House Music competition goes retro – TOMORROW!

The Music department’s eve-of-Founder’s Day challenge returns this year with a video games retro theme. Every form from Years 7–10 will put on an eight-minute mini-concert, live-streamed on YouTube, with their own year groups gathered in The Friends’ Recital Hall on 14th June to watch. Anyone with access to eQE can view the schedule and full rules. Each concert must include one solo and one ensemble performance, involving at least eight boys from each form in total. The challenge for the boys is that those ensemble slots must be an arrangement of either the Super Mario Bros theme or the Tetris theme. All proceeds will go to the Founder’s Day goal of raising money for AV equipment in The Robert Dudley Studio. Please give generously!

Support Broughton House through JustGiving
Support Harrisons' House through JustGiving
Support Leicester House through JustGiving
Support Pearce House through JustGiving
Support Stapylton House through JustGiving
Support Underne House through JustGiving
Join the 450 Club

The 450 Club: your last chance to join!

As we approach completion of The Robert Dudley Studio, this is the final chance to join the 450 Club in its current format – to have a seat in the studio named after you and to be forever linked with the landmark 450th anniversary celebrations. Members also receive a complimentary copy of Dr John Marincowitz’s book, Queen Elizabeth’s School: 1573–2023.

Tell me more!
Queen Elizabeth's School | Founded in 1573
Queen Elizabeth's School, Queen's Road, Barnet, Hertfordshire, EN5 4DQ
Tel: 020 8441 4646
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