I am happy to report that, in general, things have gone well at School so far this term; boys have adapted cheerfully and sensibly to our anti-coronavirus measures, and the term is proceeding according to plan. It is important, however, that we do not become complacent or lose focus: all of us must continue to adhere closely to the rules and guidelines that we have in place.
With Covid-19 case numbers rising across the country and London recently added to the Government’s watch list, we have now made some modest changes to our routines and procedures in order to keep everyone safe, and so that we are in the best position to manage any cases which do arise.
The first change is that starting next week – on Monday 5th October – the School will require face coverings to be worn at all times in corridors and in indoor communal areas. This includes lesson changeover times and when boys are queuing for lunch or using the toilets.Pupils are not expected to wear a mask when they are in classrooms or playgrounds, or when they are eating in the Shearly Hall, Dining Hall and Café 1573 – though they may continue to do so at personal discretion.
The second is that we have introduced seating plans for boys using the School coach service. Boys must now sit in the seats personally assigned to them for all journeys. Plans showing the position of their seat number are available on eQE for each of the coach routes. This measure helps keep boys with those in their year groups, supporting the use of year-group bubbles in School, and it will aid contract tracing, should this be required.
These two changes build upon the information in our Back to School Guide: its three key messages of Please, keep your distance, Wash your hands and Catch it, bin it, kill it remain central pillars in our efforts to defend the School against the virus.
In addition to the new measure regarding the wearing of masks in corridors, we also remind everyone that face coverings must be worn at all times on the School coaches and on public transport. Furthermore, face coverings must be put on, removed, stored and disposed of safely. And please remember, too, that wearing a face covering does not reduce the need to follow other public health advice. For example, all of us, whether or not we are wearing masks, should avoid touching our faces. Families should, of course, also follow national rules on social distancing, isolation and on Test & Trace where these are applicable.
Any boy with a medical reason for not wearing a mask should in the first instance inform his Head of Year. The pupil will be asked to provide a letter from his GP or other medical professional setting out the reason. He will then be required to keep a copy of this letter in his blazer pocket so that he can readily explain his exemption to members of staff if asked.
If the cost of wearing a mask presents a problem to any families, they should speak to their son’s Form Tutor or Head of Year.
Thus far, there has been little disruption at the School and everyone in our community has been doing a great job at carrying on in these unusual times. However, the virus clearly remains a threat, and we will all need to continue to be sensible, agile and adaptable if we are to maintain the strong progress of the term to date.
My best wishes
Mr Neil Enright