Competition offers opportunity to build on past success
QE boys are aiming to repeat previous successes in a competition run by the Baha’i Faith Community in Barnet. The competition looks at how people can work together to solve the world’s problems, such as environmental crises, poverty and racism.
The focus of this year’s contest is on tackling anti-social behaviour – a topic with links to both Citizenship and R&S. Entries may be the form of a poster, an essay or a poem. The prizes will be presented by the Mayor of Barnet.
The School’s R&S department has done well in this competition in the past, with pupils having taken first, second and third places in individual and group categories of the competition over the past two years.
This year’s competition is sponsored by Department for Communities and Local Government. It is open to everyone in Years 7-9, with all Year 7 boys composing potential entries as R&S homework. Three winners will be selected from each R&S class and entered in the competition.
Boys are encouraged to enter and should see teacher Sarah Gibbons for further details.