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World champions! QE wins overall title at robotics competition in US

QE is the first UK school ever to win a world title in the Vex IQ Challenge international robotics finals.

The QE pupils emerged to take the Excellence Award at the finals in Louisville, Kentucky, which holds a Guinness World Record as the world’s largest robotics competition. The Excellence award is the highest presented in the VEX IQ programme, going to the team that exemplifies overall excellence in building a high-quality robotics programme.

They saw off no fewer than 400 teams from 40 countries – including leading schools from the US and China which have usually provided the winners throughout the competition’s 11-year history. It was only the second year that boys at QE had participated in VEX Robotics, having become UK national champions during their first season in 2017.

The QE boys were judged on their robot design, programming skills, driving skills and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics) research project, with all of the judges in their division agreeing they were the overall ‘best of the best’.

QE’s Head of Technology, Michael Noonan, said: “This is a truly phenomenal achievement and far surpasses all our expectations. It is a hugely competitive event, which attracts some of the most intelligent young minds in the world. The Year 9 Gear Squad team were especially commended and, together with our Year 8 Technogear team, demonstrated a voracious hunger for success whilst retaining their humility.

“Gear Squad and Technogear greatly impressed the judges with their confident and student-led presentations and explanations. In fact, the most notable aspect of the VEX IQ programme at Queen Elizabeth’s is that it is entirely student-led.

“I am absolutely delighted and infinitely proud of the students involved, and this marks the ultimate testament to their hard work, dedication and countless hours refining their robotic solutions and programmes.”

It is estimated that there are 8,500 VEX IQ teams around the world. The VEX IQ challenge is aimed at pupils from Years 5-9.

Year 9 pupil Dillan Shah, of Gear Squad, said: “It was an honour to represent the UK as well as our School and meet all the fabulous people from around the world. It was a truly amazing experience.”

Despite nationwide challenges in getting young people to pursue STEM careers, QE and other teams taking part from the UK showed that British pupils can not only compete but be leaders in this field, supported in their preparations by both curricular and extra-curricular programmes, said the organisers. In fact, QE is ranked in the top ten UK schools for take-up and performance in the STEM subjects, and no fewer than 22 of last year’s leavers went on to read Engineering at university.

Bridie Gaynor, VEX Robotics Competition Manager (UK & Europe), said: “We are extremely proud of the work VEX Robotics does in the UK to encourage not only a passion for robotics but also much sought-after skills. To see Queen Elizabeth’s School, a UK team, on stage accepting the Excellence Award was a truly landmark moment for VEX Robotics in the UK. We are so proud that UK teams are now a force to be reckoned with.”

The 400 teams taking part were split into five divisions of 80. The VEX IQ competition is multi-faceted: in addition to the overall Excellence Award, within each division there were prizes for categories such as the STEM research project, design booklet competition, teamwork challenge and robot skills competition.

Mr Noonan added that the criteria for winning the Excellence Award included being “a shining example of dedication, devotion, hard work and teamwork”. The award took into account the performance and subsequent rankings of the winners in all competitions within the overall event, but was ultimately decided by interviews from the chief judges. He added that it was clear that both QE teams benefited from being pupil-led “as they demonstrated an outstanding amount of independence at the world stage in solving problems and performing to their optimum”.

Gear Squad consists of Year 9 boys Vihaan Jain, Varun Vijay Kumar, Shilacshan Lingakumar, Dillan Shah and Alex Woodcock. Technogear comprises five Year 8 boys: Arjun Arunkumar, Dylan Domb, Aditya Khanna, Anish Rana and Yash Shah. The boys were accompanied to the US by Mr Shane Ryan (Technology) and Mr Jonathan Leigh (Physics).

QE team wins Mathematics competition

QE pupils beat off competition from 30 other schools to win the regional round of the Team Maths Challenge.

The four boys from Years 8 and 9 secured victory over Merchant Taylors’, in second place, and Haberdashers’ Aske’s Boys’, who came third. They now go through to the national finals in London’s Royal Horticultural Halls in June – the third time that a QE team has reached this stage in the prestigious UK Mathematics Trust contest.

Headmaster Neil Enright said: “I congratulate our boys on a resounding success, which demonstrated not only their mathematical prowess and their ability to think clearly under pressure, but also skills in communication and teamwork.”

The team was led by Year 9 pupil Dan Suciu and comprised Shimaq-Ahamed Sakeel Mohamed, also of Year 9, together with Year 8 boys Bhunit Santhiramoulesan and Agrim Sharma. They scored a winning total of 223 points out of 236 in the event, which was hosted by Haberdashers’ Aske’s School for Girls in Elstree.

The competition aims to offer pupils a means of expressing and developing their enjoyment of Mathematics, with problems that are mostly accessible, yet still challenge those with more experience. The event involves four rounds:

  • Crossnumber – one pair of contestants is given the ‘across’ clues and the other pair the ‘down’ clues
  • Shuttle – pairs solve problems where the answer to the previous question feeds into the next question
  • Relay – again working in pairs to solve problems, but also involves movement around the room in a race against the clock
  • Group round – working as a team of four to solve ten problems.

Captain Dan said after the event: “We were delighted to win and really pleased that our hard work paid off, especially in the Shuttle Round. We’re all really looking forward to the next round.”

Kentucky calls! QE teams prepare for robotics world championship

Four QE teams are gearing up for the challenge of the world finals of a robotics competition at the end of April, following their successful qualification.

Two senior teams, Hybrid Alpha and Beta, won places in the VEX EDR Robotics World Championships in the USA at the School’s very first attempt. And at the VEX IQ junior level, a further two teams, Gear Squad and Technogear, are also heading for the finals in Louisville, Kentucky, having matched the feat of the double qualification by QE teams in 2017, the first year the School had entered the junior competition.

The boys’ efforts have been boosted by the support of the Foundation Trustees and of one particular OE, Sachin Dev Duggal (1994–2001), who is an AI entrepreneur.

Headmaster Neil Enright said: “Having no fewer than four teams in the world finals of this extremely popular competition represents an achievement of the very highest order. I know that the boys will be enjoying their Easter holidays in eager anticipation of their trip to the States, where we all wish them even greater success.”

Hybrid Alpha qualified after taking the Excellence Award in the regional EDR event at Stowe School during the winter. Then, at the national finals held at Telford International Centre, the other senior team, Beta, picked up the highly sought-after Design Award for the design process itself and their excellent logging and tracking of it, which secured them a berth at the World Championship.

Mr Noonan commended Alpha’s “extremely accomplished performance”, adding: “Beta proved they have what it takes when the chips are really down on a national stage. Both teams have done superbly in their senior competition debut.”

Gear Squad qualified at the IQ national finals, also at Telford, by retaining the Teamwork Champions title won by QE last year, whilst Technogear won the Design Award in the junior category. “In the biggest national finals yet, the boys held their nerve and performed valiantly,” Mr Noonan said.

The Alpha team is made up of: Year 12’s Aadi Desai, together with Deshraam Ganeshamoorthy, Bhargab Ghoshal, James Tan and Ukendar Vadivel, all of Year 10. The Beta team comprises: Dilan Sheth, of Year 12, along with Daniel Radzik-Rahman, Yai Sagolsem, Devin Karia and Sunay Challa, from Year 10. Gear Squad consists of Year 9 boys Vihaan Jain, Varun Vijay Kumar, Shilacshan Lingakumar, Dillan Shah and Alex Woodcock. Technogear comprises five Year 8 boys: Arjun Arunkumar, Dylan Domb, Aditya Khanna, Anish Rana and Yash Shah.

Successes aplenty in national Mathematics competition

Thirty-six QE sixth-formers qualified for the next stages of a national Mathematics competition – twice as many as in 2016 – while the School comfortably out-performed the national average.

Eleven pupils taking part in the Senior Mathematical Challenge qualified for the élite British Mathematical Olympiad – up from eight last year – and 25 reached the other follow-on round, the Senior Kangaroo, representing a 150% increase on 2016’s total of ten.

The Best-in-School title went to Year 12 boy Robert Sarkar (right in photograph), who scored 121 out of a possible 125 marks. Andrew Shamis (left in photograph), top scorer in Year 13, was just behind, on 120.

Of the 123 pupils who entered the competition, 33 were awarded gold certificates (22 in 2016), 53 received silver (39) and 30 (42) won bronze. The certificates are given only to the top 60% of entrants nationally, but at QE the proportion gaining them was 94%. They are awarded gold, silver and bronze in the ratio of 1:2 :3.

Congratulating the successful entrants, Assistant Head of Mathematics Wendy Fung said: “Many of the boys who have qualified through to the follow-on rounds have been members of our Élite Maths mentoring scheme for a number of years and are now passing on their experience and wisdom through mentoring students in Years 9 to 11.”

The competition, run by the UK Mathematics Trust, involves answering 25 multiple-choice questions in 90 minutes. To qualify for the Olympiad, candidates must score at least 104 points and for the Kangaroo, they must score at least 85.

Trio through to next round of prestigious Mathematics competition

Three sixth-formers have won places in the second round of the élite British Mathematical Olympiad.

They were among a total of 11 QE boys from Years 12 and 13 who had qualified to sit the first round of the Olympiad, which is one of the follow-on rounds of the UK Mathematics Trust’s Senior Maths Challenge. This compares with eight boys reaching round 1 of the Olympiad last year and three in 2015.

The round 2 qualifiers – Aneesh Chopada, of Year 13; Niam Vaishnav, of Year 12, and Kiran Aberdeen, of Year 12 – were all awarded certificates of distinction and bronze medals, having scored 49 marks out of a possible 60, 48/60 and 47/60 respectively.

Kiran said: “I really enjoyed the question about triangle numbers as it made me think ‘outside the box’,” while Niam added: “I enjoy the challenge of these problem-solving questions because they’re different from what we learn in class.”

Yuri Evdokimov, of Year 13, and Nico Puthu Parackat Biosca, of Year 12, also received certificates of distinction, scoring 37/60 each. The remaining six pupils all received a certificate of qualification.

A further 25 sixth-formers took part in the Senior Maths Challenge’s other follow-on round, the Senior Kangaroo (up from ten in 2016). The high scorers were: Karnan Sembian, of Year 13, (50 marks out of a possible 100); Aschwin Jegatheeswaran, of Year 13, (45); Ibrahim Al-Hariri, of Year 12, (40); Akshat Sharma, of Year 12, (40), and Oliver Robinson, of Year 13 (40). They were each awarded a merit certificate for achieving scores of 40 or more, placing them in the top 25% nationally. The remaining 20 boys received certificates of qualification.

Assistant Head of Mathematics Wendy Fung said: “Warmest congratulations to all our students and best wishes to Aneesh, Kiran and Niam for the next round.”

Round 1 of the Olympiad consisted of six long, extended questions to be completed in three-and-a-half hours.  Round 2, due to take place on Thursday 25th January, will involve four long, extended questions to be completed within the same timeframe. Success in this round will result in an invitation to participate in training for the International Mathematical Olympiad.

The Senior Kangaroo is a one-hour paper. All the questions require three-digit answers (using leading zeros where necessary) entered on to a machine-readable sheet similar to those used for the Senior Challenge. It is the first competition of its kind to be organised by the UKMT – that is, a challenge that is marked by machine but is not multiple-choice.

Award-winning performances by QE trio in contest for top young physicists

The three sixth-formers entered by QE in this year’s British Physics Olympiad all won awards – and one has been invited to take part in a related competition.

Aneesh Chopada took gold in the BPhO – and has been asked to sit the Astronomy and Astrophysics Olympiad this week – while Abhishek Balkrishna won silver and Milan Hirji received the bronze I award. All are in Year 13.

Physics teacher Georgina Garfield said: “Our three competitors are to be congratulated: these are excellent results achieved in a prestigious competition marked at a very high level.”

More than 1,740 pupils from across the country entered the Olympiad this year. Gold awards went to the top 9.2% of entrants (who will also receive book prizes), with silver to the next 12.1%, bronze I to the next 13.2% and bronze II to the next 13.5%. The remaining entrants received commendations.

BPhO administrative secretary Lena Shams said: “The paper was designed to stretch and challenge the top young physicists in the country in a national competition.”