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New research underlines QE’s glittering record in winning places at Oxford and Cambridge

A new analysis of the performance of top schools published by The Spectator magazine further highlights just how successful QE pupils are in securing Oxbridge places.

In the magazine’s table, based upon university destinations in 2020, Queen Elizabeth’s School won the second-highest number of places at Oxford and Cambridge universities of any 11-18 state school in England and Wales, beaten only by Brampton Manor Academy in East Ham.

Furthermore, Brampton Manor and the four specialist state sixth-form colleges ahead of QE in the magazine’s table all had significantly larger pupil numbers, with, for example, Peter Symonds College in Hampshire having around 4,000 students on its roll, compared with QE’s 340-strong Sixth Form.

And the figures collated by The Spectator also reveal that QE had an extremely high success rate in converting Oxbridge applications into places. Of QE’s 91 applicants, 40 boys, or 44 per cent, gained places – a figure beaten (narrowly) by only one of the handful of schools and colleges above QE in the table, the independent St Paul’s Girls’ School.

Headmaster Neil Enright said today: “I am very proud of the achievements of our boys and of our staff, and it is gratifying to read further objective confirmation of QE’s outstanding success in securing places at Oxford and Cambridge.

“It is also interesting to note how favourably our conversion rate compares to other providers: we seek always to be realistically ambitious in matching our students to the courses and universities that are right for them. Through our University admissions Support Programme (our ‘USP’), staff and alumni provide help and advice for all senior boys, and this includes dedicated support for Oxbridge candidates.

“I should add that the 2020 figures on which The Spectator based its article are by no means a one-off: we have had consistently high numbers of boys heading to Oxford and Cambridge in recent years, and in August 2021, 39 pupils confirmed their Oxbridge offers, almost matching the previous year’s record.”

More broadly, the achievements of QE leavers this summer included securing:

  • 26 places to read Medicine (with 11 of these at UCL alone, where the medical school is ranked in the global top ten)
  • 18 places on ‘pure’ Economics courses – a figure which does not include several other leavers who will be joining courses with an Economics element, such as Economics & Geography and Oxford’s famous Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) course.
  • 31 places overall at UCL, 11 at Imperial College, 10 at Bristol and nine apiece at Kings College London and Nottingham, as well as dozens more at other Russell Group universities.

Bolstered by the success of their predecessors, the current Year 13 are now fully engaged in the UCAS university application process and working hard to finalise their applications, drawing on the support offered by staff and alumni.

Unwavering determination: QE boys reap the rewards of staying focused in tough times with a superb set of GCSE results

Year 11 pupils at Queen Elizabeth’s School today celebrated a very strong set of results, continuing a long pattern of outstanding success at GCSE.

In spite of the disruption caused by two lockdowns and other Covid restrictions, the year group showed great dedication to their studies.

Their results reflect this, with more than 19 out of every 20 grades being awarded at 9–7 (equivalent to the previous A* and A) and 85% at 9-8 (equivalent to the old A*).

Moreover, the results also demonstrate the breadth of education at QE: every Year 11 boy achieved the Government’s English Baccalaureate (awarded to pupils achieving level 5 or above in GCSEs in English, Mathematics, Science, a humanity and language), while there were also strong results in the Higher Project Qualification (HPQ), taken by 157 of the 184 boys in the cohort.

Headmaster Neil Enright said: “My warm congratulations go to Year 11. They have shown great dedication, resilience and positivity, evincing a mature and considered approach to their studies and to the situation they have found themselves in. They and their families should take pride in all they have achieved.

“These superb results are also testament to the unstinting work of staff during the pandemic in maintaining high levels of academic, extra-curricular and pastoral provision, and to their rigorous application of the Government’s Teacher Assessed Grade (TAG) process.

“It is gratifying to reflect that these results, together with our A-level results announced on Tuesday and the continued high levels of participation in extra-curricular activities (online or otherwise) all strongly bear out the conclusions of the Good Schools Guide report on QE published earlier this academic year.”

The GSG report included the following, for example:

  • “[QE is] A place where boys can expect to get carried away with the collective will to learn both in and outside the classroom, the result of which is one of the most inspiring learning environments we’ve ever come across. An exceptional and rounded education that even private schools would struggle to match.
  • “As for COVID, school is reported not only to have flexed quickly and well, but learned from it too.”

Mr Enright added: “The work that Year 11 have undertaken during the pandemic, including this Summer Term’s Sixth Form bridging work, gives them strong foundations as they embark upon their A-levels.”

Bright and exciting futures beckon for QE’s pandemic-era A-level students

Queen Elizabeth’s School Year 13 pupils were today basking in the brilliance of outstanding A-level results that will propel them into top degree courses at world-leading universities.

In a second challenging, Covid-hit year, 39 boys confirmed their Oxbridge offers, while 26 boys have won places to read Medicine, including 11 at UCL alone, where the medical school is ranked in the global top ten.

Eighteen pupils were awarded places on ‘pure’ Economics courses, not counting several others joining courses with an Economics element, such as Economics & Geography and Oxford’s famous Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) course.

The results, which reflect the year group’s consistently high standards of work over many months, add to QE’s long-term record of excellence at the highest levels: 2021 is the 16th consecutive year in which the proportion of A*–B grades achieved by QE pupils has exceeded 95%. A total of 57 boys – more than a third of the 163-strong cohort – are recorded as having achieved straight A* grades.

Headmaster Neil Enright said: “The boys’ hard work and resolve during the pandemic are well demonstrated by these deserved grades, and today gives us an opportunity to recognise and celebrate their efforts and their excellence.

“While the results data can’t be directly compared to those from other years, as it has been a unique set of circumstances, at QE we have been rigorous in drawing upon a range of highly credible evidence on which to base our teacher assessed grades.”

This evidence includes the post-Easter examinations, which gave pupils a final opportunity to show what they could do and demonstrate the fruits of their dedication during the lockdowns.

Mr Enright pointed out that the cohort’s Sixth Form experience has been very different from the norm, not only in terms of the way academic performance is assessed – with no final A-level examinations – but also in terms of the repeated switches between online and on-site lessons and extra-curricular activities.

“They have shown notable adaptability, determination, spirit and humour in navigating this situation. They will be equipped with skills of independent learning beyond those of previous year groups, which will stand them in strong stead for the next phase of their studies.

“Moreover, they can look forward to exciting futures, having secured fantastic university offers as a year group. Staff remain on hand to offer support to anyone who needs it.

“We do regret that Year 13 have necessarily missed out on some of the activities and opportunities that would normally characterise our Sixth Form experience. On the positive side, over their entire QE careers, they have certainly contributed to the extra-curricular life of the School. This group includes some of our first robotics competitors, while boys have also made their mark in sport, drama and music. As they reached the senior years, they have served as role models and leaders to younger pupils, both through mentoring and through specific endeavours, such as setting up our pupil-led Perspective initiative.

“In this most challenging year, QE leavers at least can make their next steps with confidence. We are proud of this cohort of confident, able and responsible Elizabethans and trust that they and their families are, too. We very much hope that they will stay connected with the School, and each other, for many years to come.”

Brightest and best: prize-winners challenged to be the “shining lights” of tomorrow

Prize-winners at Junior Awards should be proud of all they have achieved in the most testing times, Headmaster Neil Enright told them in his address.

After the live event was cancelled last July because of the pandemic (with an online version in its stead), the Junior Awards Ceremony went ahead in person this year, but in reduced format, without the usual audience of parents, VIP guests and the whole QE staff.

Nevertheless, more than 100 prizes were awarded in a formal afternoon ceremony in the Main School Hall that included speeches and musical interludes performed by the School’s young musicians. Pictured, top, is vocalist Rishi Watsalya performing Tachchur Singarachari’s Ninnu Kori. Rishi won both the Year 7 Music award and the House award for Harrisons’.

“We have gathered this afternoon, despite the challenges, because you are deserving of this recognition,” said Mr Enright to the assembled award-winners.

“To be part of this select occasion is particular testament to your motivation, dedication and resilience over the past year. You have not just coped with the circumstances caused by the pandemic, but have continued to thrive.

And the Headmaster concluded: “I am excited to see what you can achieve with further growth. How you can be beacons among your peers and be shining lights in your communities, industries, and in society, in the years ahead. What can you do, day-by-day, to make tomorrow brighter still, for you and for others?”

Prizes at Junior Awards are given for excellence and achievement in curriculum subjects, as well as in extra-curricular activities and in contributions to wider School life.

In total, 57 boys from the total of around 570 boys in Years 7–9 received prizes in the end-of-year ceremony.

In his address toward the conclusion of the afternoon, the 2021 School Captain, Siddhant Kansal, of Year 12, urged the prize recipients to “cherish the moment” and reminded them of the magnitude of their accomplishment in the particular context of QE: “Today, you are the one in ten who has been selected to win a prize out of all those fantastically talented other boys.”

Musical performances included a processional at the beginning of the event – Oblivion, by the Argentine tango composer, Piazzola.

Other pieces played were a Chopin Nocturne and Smetana’s Aus der Heimat No. 2. The recessional was the Waltz and Gavotte from Five Pieces for Two Violins and Piano by Shostakovich.


“Beacons among your peers, shining lights in society”: Headmaster sees a bright future for prize-winners at Senior Awards

Senior Awards is always an important event in the QE calendar, and, although arrangements for this year’s celebration were different because of the coronavirus, the unique situation did not make the achievements of the prize-winners any less significant, said Headmaster Neil Enright.

“Indeed, I would argue rather that it underlines them,” he told boys in the Main School Hall, adding: “We have gathered this afternoon, despite the challenges, because you are deserving of this recognition.”

Senior Awards was split into two ceremonies to enable year group bubbles to be maintained, with boys from Years 10–11 coming to the hall first, followed later by the Sixth Form. Because of Covid restrictions, it was not possible to invite parents, the whole staff and the VIP guests who normally attend.

Collectively, the boys received more than 140 separate prizes. In addition to subject awards and prizes for extra-curricular involvements such as debating & public speaking and chess in each year group, there were awards for the boy making the best overall contribution to his year.

There was also a large number of special prizes for particular areas – The Queen’s College, Oxford, Extended Project Awards, for example – while in the Sixth Form, 12 prizes were given this year for commitment & service and nine for leadership & involvement.

The prizegiving was interspersed with a number of musical interludes, with the music being performed by the School’s senior musicians.

In his address, the Headmaster told the audience of prize-winners and a small number of staff: “To be part of this select occasion is particular testament to your motivation, dedication and resilience over the past year. You have not just coped with the circumstances caused by the pandemic but have continued to thrive.”

He reflected on how much had changed since the last such ceremony at QE: “Looking back, it now seems utterly remarkable that our Senior Awards event in March of 2020 was in fact so normal, given the extraordinary situation that was about to unfold, and has continued to develop ever since. Both education and everyday life have been disrupted in a way not seen in our lifetimes.

“But, with increasing confidence, we can say we are now emerging, slowly but surely, from the crisis phase and, perhaps, into a new era of regeneration and renewal. We have done things as individuals, as a School, as a community, and as a country, that we probably couldn’t ever have imagined. If we can do that in an unprecedented crisis, then why not after it too?”

As with previous crises – he mentioned World War II and the Great Fire of London of 1666 following the plague outbreak of the previous year – the Covid-19 pandemic could become an “opportunity for progress”, he said, pointing to the argument of 20th-century Danish economist Ester Boserup in reference to population growth and agricultural production that “necessity is the mother of invention”.

Citing the watchword of Captain Sir Tom Moore, “Tomorrow will be a brighter day,” Mr Enright continued: “Despite the undoubted challenges, today is already bright for you.

“I am excited to see what you can achieve with further growth. How you can be beacons among your peers and be shining lights in your communities, industries, and in society at large, in the years ahead.

“Congratulations on your awards. Enjoy them, celebrate them with your families, but also reflect on what you have put in to achieve them.

“With continuity in the character you have shown, I am confident that you will succeed in navigating the changing world and have every reason to be optimistic about your tomorrow.”

In his traditional vote of thanks, the 2021 School Captain, Siddhant Kansal, of Year 12, told his fellow prize-winners: “Despite it being a smaller ceremony than it would usually be, the achievements that we are marking, your achievements, are as great, if not greater than they would be in a normal year because of the challenges that have been faced along the way in this most extraordinary of years.

“All of us know how good the competition out there is. So, without being smug, we can be rightfully and genuinely proud at being chosen to be here today.”

The musical contributions for the younger two year groups were from: Year 11 trumpeter Theo Mama-Kahn, performing William Boyce’s Trumpet Voluntary as a processional; pianist Harishan Thevalingham, of Year 10, with Rachmaninov’s Prelude in G Minor; Jao-Yong Tsai, of Year 11, playing Brahms’ Sonata in F minor Op. 120 No. 1 Movement 1, and Arjun Patel, of Year 10, playing Richard Kershaw’s Tango Till You Drop on the saxophone as a recessional.

For the Sixth Form awards, the processional was Handel’s Music for the Royal Fireworks, performed by final-year saxophonist Khai Tran, who also played the recessional, Czardas by Vittorio Monti.  Year 12 cellist Raphael Herberg played Popper’s Tarantella, while Conor Parker-Delves, of Year 12, performed Prélude et Saltarelle by Robert Planel on the saxophone.  QE’s piano teacher, Tadashi Imai, was the accompanist.

Testing, testing! QE on track for a safe and smooth return to classes

Preparations for a safe return to lessons at the School this week are running according to plan, with sixth-formers experiencing a smooth start to the new testing programme yesterday.

Years 12 and 13 were the first at QE to benefit from the asymptomatic testing programme that is clearing the way for classroom learning to start for all year groups on Thursday.

In line with Government instructions, all pupils taking part in the programme are being tested before returning to School for lessons, so that any positive cases can be taken out of circulation before they have the opportunity to mix with each other and with staff.

Volunteers have rallied round, working alongside members of staff to make sure all 1,250 boys can be tested in time.

Headmaster Neil Enright said: “Testing all our pupils is a major logistical exercise, and one that, of course, has to be conducted in Covid-safe conditions.

“It is certainly a challenge, but I am pleased to report that the first day went without a hitch, with the operation running both calmly and efficiently.

“Although the testing is not compulsory, I am most encouraged to see that the participation rate is very high indeed, which will certainly aid the effectiveness of the programme in protecting all students and staff.”

Pupils are all being given specific times to attend over the first half of the week, with Years 9–11 due in for their first tests today and Years 7 and 8 on Wednesday.

In the meantime, QE’s programme of remote learning continues, with boys following a full timetable at home using the School’s eQE online learning platform and MS Teams.

They will have their second and third tests from Thursday onwards, once they are back in lessons.

The group of volunteers involved in the programme spans the Elizabethan community, including parents, former members of staff and other friends of the School.

“Some are giving up significant amounts of their time over the course of the in-School testing programme, for which we are all very grateful,” said Mr Enright.

“These volunteers are working alongside members of staff, with everyone trained for their respective roles.”

“It was, of course, great to see pupils back on site today – a foretaste of Thursday, when we look forward eagerly to seeing all the boys back in lessons here.”