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47! Oxbridge offers for 2023 shatter existing QE record

Forty-seven pupils have been offered places at Oxford and Cambridge this year, easily exceeding the previous QE record of 40.

Thirty-two offers have come from Cambridge and 15 from Oxford, spanning a huge range of subjects, from Engineering to Medicine and from Languages to Law.

Headmaster Neil Enright said: “This figure of 47 represents a magnificent achievement both for the boys themselves and for our dedicated team of staff, including those who teach them and those who have used their considerable experience to guide them through the application process. My heartfelt congratulations go to them all.

“To secure their offers, these pupils have demonstrated not just their mastery of their curriculum subjects, but the breadth of knowledge and the free-thinking scholarship that we seek to nurture in all our pupils.

“In March this year, we celebrate the 450th anniversary of the School’s foundation by royal charter: what better way to mark our anniversary year than with this outstanding performance!”

The Oxford total of 15 offers is itself a QE record, as is the total of 32 at Cambridge. QE’s Oxbridge offers come from some of the oldest colleges – such as Oxford’s Balliol, founded in 1263 – and by some of the newest, including Lucy Cavendish at Cambridge, which was established in 1965 and achieved recognition as a constituent college in 1977.

Subjects to be studied include some of the ancient universities’ most famous courses: two students will take Oxford’s Philosophy, Politics and Economics (PPE) degree, while four will read Natural Sciences at Cambridge.

There are offers across the arts, humanities and sciences, with the subjects gaining the highest number of offers as follows:

  • Medicine (eight places)
  • Mathematics (seven, plus one in combination with Computer Science)
  • Engineering (seven, plus two more for Chemical Engineering and Biotechnology)
  • Natural Sciences (four)
  • Economics (two, plus two in combination with Management).

The 2022 School Captain, Theo Mama-Kahn, currently in Year 13, is among the 47, securing an offer to read French and German at Wadham College, Oxford.

Mr Enright added: “I am tremendously proud that, as a state school welcoming very able boys of all backgrounds, we have been able to secure such a high number of offers.

“As ever, there are some strong and highly capable candidates who nevertheless missed out on places at Oxford and Cambridge, but they, like so many of their Year 13 peers are being offered places at other leading universities in the UK and elsewhere.

“I look forward to all these Elizabethans going on to great success in their careers and lives, making a worthwhile and significant contribution to society.”

New state school table confirms QE’s A-level results were the best in the country, capping the School’s “annus mirabilis”

Queen Elizabeth’s School had the best A-level results of any state school, according to the influential Sunday Times Parent Power survey’s first post-pandemic rankings published this weekend.

QE is the also the best boys’ state school in terms of GCSE results for 2022, the survey found.

Headmaster Neil Enright said: “This confirmation of our record-breaking A-level performance caps a fantastic year for QE. The achievement is all the more remarkable since this year’s leavers were disrupted throughout their time in the Sixth Form by the pandemic: my congratulations once again go to them – and to our staff – for showing such flexibility, hard work and fortitude in the face of repeated national lockdowns.

“The year began with us enjoying our new status as the Sunday Times’ Schools Guide 2022 State School of the Year – a title which is distinct from the Parent Power academic rankings and recognises overall achievements across all aspects of school life.

“2022 has also seen: the opening of our fantastic new Music building (The Friends’ Recital Hall and Music Rooms); the securing of 35 places at Oxford and Cambridge; the publication of an Ofsted report which found QE to be ‘outstanding’ across all areas, and this month’s royal visit by HRH The Duke of Gloucester. It has truly been Queen Elizabeth’s School’s annus mirabilis!

“My best wishes go to Wycombe High School, who will soon take over the crown as 2023’s State School of the Year.”

The Parent Power table was based on 2022 public examination results, with schools ranked by the percentage of GCSEs awarded A*, A, 9, 8 & 7 grades, and of A-levels graded A*–B, with the A-level results double-weighted. In first place was QE’s Barnet girls’ school neighbour, Henrietta Barnett, with 98.8% for GCSE and 97.3% for A-levels, while QE was just behind in second place overall, with 95.7% for GCSEs and 98.3% for A-levels.

The 2022 QE A-level cohort also set a School record for the proportion of grades at the very top (A*) which this year reached 70.7%.

The upper reaches of this year’s Parent Power state school table are dominated by grammar schools, with the top 28 schools all fully selective – a fact expounded by the Parent Power editor, Helen Davies.

“The trends may not be new, but they are reinforced: selective grammars are dominating…and those schools that push extra-curricular activities and wellbeing are thriving inside and outside the classroom,” she wrote.




Terrific at the top! Surge in highest grades builds on pre-pandemic GCSE record

With 85.6% of GCSEs at QE awarded level 8 or 9 grades – equivalent to the old A* – the first pupils to sit public examinations since 2019 have put in a “terrific” record-breaking performance.*

In fact, the results at the highest grades are not only stronger than for the last pre-pandemic GCSEs in 2019, but also surpass last year, when the Government brought in a system of Teacher Assessed Grades.

Behind the statistics lie many individual successes, such as the 28 boys recording straight 9s across all their full GCSEs, and Vigaashan Asokan, whose performance in Economics was the best in the country, according to examination board OCR.

Headmaster Neil Enright said: “This is a super performance from our Year 11 boys, who faced significant disruption because of the pandemic in the first year of their GCSE courses. The results for the top grades are simply terrific!

“These pupils had to cope with home-learning, close-contact isolation, stringent health & safety measures and frequently changing routines. Yet their results indicate that while the methods used by them and their teachers were somewhat different from normal years, they have delivered on their potential. They worked diligently and with dedication, were always mature about the challenges, and were enthusiastic about embracing all the opportunities available to them, both within and beyond the classroom.

“Congratulations must also go to our staff, especially in view of the great flexibility they showed during those difficult months. Using our eQE platform and other technologies, they maintained the breadth and rigour of the normal QE experience as much as possible, ensuring that no one fell behind, that we maintained pace with course content, and even that we delivered opportunities outside of lessons for enrichment and collaboration.”

Among the key highlights of today’s GCSE results at QE are:

  • Almost two-thirds of examinations taken (64.1%) are awarded the highest possible grade, level 9 *
  • 85.6% of GCSEs are awarded grades 9 and 8 *
  • More than 19 out of every 20 GCSEs are given grades 9–7, representing a 0.4% drop on 2021’s Teacher Assessed Grades, but a sharp increase of 4.6% on figures for 2019, when public examinations were last sat
  • A near-perfect grade performance in Latin, with the 18 candidates achieving an average grade of 8.90
  • Similarly strong performances for the individual science GCSEs – Chemistry (8.88), Biology (8.82) and Physics (8.82), with no pupil awarded a grade below 7
  • In Mathematics, taken by all 191 boys in the year group, the average grade was 8.80: again, no pupil was awarded a grade below 7.

Mr Enright added: “Looking back, necessary though the lockdowns and pandemic restrictions were, we can now see that they gave staff, pupils and parents alike a fresh appreciation of the benefits of on-site learning. Happily, things here have since rebounded as strongly as ever, with these pupils, and the School as a whole, able to look forward with optimism to what comes next.”

* October 18th 2022. Following appeals and re-marks, the proportion of GCSEs awarded level 8-9 has risen to 85.9% and the figure for grade 9 increased to 64.8%.

Best-ever A-level results cap a vintage year for Queen Elizabeth’s School

QE is today celebrating its best-ever results, with seven out of every ten A-levels awarded the highest-possible A* grade.

The results are yet another golden achievement at the end of a year that has seen the School earn an ‘outstanding’ rating from Ofsted, win the Sunday Times’ coveted State Secondary School of the Year title, and secure 35 Oxbridge offers.

Not only are the results better than in the past two years, when no examinations were taken and figures were based on assessments, but they are also up on the last pre-pandemic year of 2019.

Headmaster Neil Enright said: “Exams are back, everything is back, and all the better for it! This has truly been an annus mirabilis for QE, and I am delighted that we have been able to crown the year with such a magnificent set of results, notable especially for a substantial increase at the very top.

“These brilliant outcomes are well deserved and are testament to both the talent and dedication of pupils and staff, and to the quality of education maintained throughout the last two-and-a-half years.

“The return of public exams has given the boys the opportunity to clearly demonstrate the fruits of their continued hard work and focus during the challenges of the pandemic, and their strong motivation to push forwards.

“The fact that nationally pupils are being warned of lower grades and unusually strong competition for university places makes our own boys’ results all the more impressive: the vast majority here will secure their first choice of university, although of course, staff will be on hand today to guide and support anyone in need of help or advice.”

Among the many highlights of today’s results at QE are the following:

  • A* grades amount to 69.9% of all results – up 10.4% on 2021 (when there were Teacher Assessed Grades or TAGs), and up from 45.3% in 2019; *
  • 92.2% of results are at A*–A, again higher than during the pandemic and up 6% on 2019; *
  • The A*-B figure is 98.3%, again higher than 2021’s TAGs. This is the 17th consecutive year above 95% for this benchmark figure;
  • 71 of the 167-strong cohort (42.5%) have achieved straight A* grades;
  • All 50 Economics candidates are awarded either A* (37) or A (13); similarly, there are no grades lower than A for English, French, Geography, Latin, Music and Sociology;
  • Mathematics was taken by 139 boys (83% of the year group), with more than four out of five pupils (82.0%) achieving A*.

Mr Enright said: “As the Ofsted report helpfully pointed out, at QE, we are resolutely determined to keep up the momentum with further improvements. It’s not just about academic results – important though these are – but about achieving our mission to develop fully-rounded young men ready to make a positive impact in a fast-changing world.

“Extra-curricular activities here are flourishing: it was wonderful to open our state-of-the-art Music school in May and to celebrate boys’ endeavours in fields as diverse as drama, translation, robotics, debating, engineering and cricket.

“At the same time, many of our boys are involved in volunteering and charity work, while our pastoral programme aims to ensure that the School remains a happy, inclusive environment for boys from all backgrounds.”

* October 18th 2022. Following appeals and re-marks, the proportion of A* grades has increased to 70.7%, while the figure for A*-A has risen to 92.8%.

Junior Awards: welcome return of QE’s celebration of younger boys’ successes

For the first time since 2019, prize-winners, parents, VIP guests and staff assembled for a full Junior Awards Ceremony – complete with tea and cakes on the lawn afterwards.

After last year’s restricted event, 2022 saw the welcome return of a guest speaker, with Old Elizabethan Hemang Hirani (2008–2015) passing on to the boys lessons he has already learned in his blossoming career in investment banking.

The ceremony saw pupils from Years 7–9 awarded around 75 prizes for academic subjects and  extra-curricular activities such as chess, drama and public speaking & debating, as well as other endowed prizes and special awards.

Headmaster Neil Enright said afterwards: “Junior Awards is one of the highlights of our Summer Term, so it was splendid to be able to hold the ceremony in full once again, giving the boys and their families an afternoon to remember. It was a really enjoyable time and the young musicians who performed during the musical interludes played to an exceptionally high standard.”

VIP guests included The Representative Deputy Lieutenant of the London Borough of Barnet, Mr Martin Russell and The Deputy Mayor of the London Borough of Barnet, Councillor Nagus Narenthira.

In his speech during the ceremony, Mr Enright alluded to the heatwave and to the legend of Icarus, who flew too close to the sun and paid the price. “Boys, you have kept your cool in the academic heat of QE – in its own way a record-breaking environment; one which absorbs and re-radiates aspiration, intellectual curiosity and positive energy.

“In our proud meritocracy, we will always want to publicly recognise and celebrate absolute performance, but maximising your personal potential is why you all have unique targets each year; why we spend time doing bespoke tutorials. To help you to be realistically ambitious in what you do; to let you fly; but to make sure that your wings are fit for purpose and don’t melt in the heat.”

In the few short years since Hemang Hirani took a First in Geography and Economics at the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), he has forged a career in investment banking and is now an analyst with Barclays.

He has served in various voluntary capacities, including as a mentor to pupils at under-performing London schools and as an intern in Mumbai, fundraising and raising awareness in support of poor cancer patients. He previously returned to QE to lead a Sixth Form discussion on Economic Geography.

Hemang passed on various pieces of advice to the boys, pointing out that he had been a Junior Awards prize-winner himself just 12 short years ago. He concluded his address with a plea to the boys to remember to enjoy themselves: “Life, as we all know, is far too short – we spend a lot of time sweating over the small stuff – worrying, complaining, gossiping and always wanting something we think is bigger and better, rather than appreciating and focusing on what we have, and are fortunate to have.

“It takes a single moment to change everything that we take for granted…we are all blessed in one way or another, so live life and leave no regrets.”

Music award-winners from each of the three year groups performed during the musical interludes. Year 7 violinist Jamie Lam played Italian composer Vittorio Monti’s 1904 piece, Czardas; Year 8 pianist Noah Morley played Claude Debussy’s Dancers of Delphi, and Ryuki Watanabe, of Year 9, performed American composer Clarence Cameron White’s Levee Dance. Piano teacher Tadashi Imai was the accompanist.

Bidding farewell to the Class of 2022: QE’s first Valediction ceremony

This year’s leavers may have missed out on a few things because of the pandemic, but they enjoyed one opportunity not open to their predecessors: their own Valediction ceremony.

With their A-level examinations now behind them, all of Year 13 gathered in the Shearly Hall together with parents, teachers and guests for the inaugural event, which brought a mix of fun and the formal to their QE farewell.

As well as a small gift for all the leavers presented by Guest of Honour Robert (‘Judge’) Rinder (OE 1989–1994), the ceremony included prize-giving, with awards bestowed for: all the curriculum subjects; ‘contribution & responsibility’; ‘leadership & involvement’, and for extra-curricular activities ranging from chess to drama.

In his speech, Headmaster Neil Enright told the sixth-formers: “Today, we thank you for your fantastic contribution to the life of the School; congratulate you on the completion of your A-levels; wish you the very best for your bright futures; but also repeat our hope that this is not the end of your relationship with QE – merely the beginning of a different phase.

“Circumstances have been such that your year group has missed out on a number of opportunities and experiences due to the pandemic, not least your GCSEs and the full-throated celebration of those deserved results. I hope that today goes a little way to compensate for the loss of some of the School-based social events you may ordinarily have enjoyed.

“I hope in the years to come that you will come back and see us; tell us about your adventures and careers; and, more importantly, tell those following in your footsteps through the School. That you will show them and their families the great variety of things that an OE can do and an Elizabethan can be.”

Mr Enright also thanked parents for their “huge support, both moral and financial, over the years”.

In his vote of thanks, the 2021 School Captain, Siddhant Kansal, reflected on how he and his peers had changed since they arrived at the School in September 2015. Over the intervening years, most had grown “about 2ft taller” and would now be completely unrecognisable as the same boys.

“One thing that never changed, however, is the fact that all of us stood together the whole time and always looked out for each other,” said Siddhant.

He also paid tribute to Simon Walker, the group’s Head of Year from Year 10 onwards, who is leaving QE at the end of term. “I think I speak for most people when I say that the day he became head of our year was the most terrifying day of our lives…Four years later, we are still terrified, but also grateful for all that he did for us.”

Mr Walker was the afternoon’s Master of Ceremonies. After the speeches and presentations were finished, he invited the leavers and parents on to the Stapylton Field at the front of the School for afternoon tea in the sunshine.

The ceremony was accompanied by music performed by some of the School’s leading musicians. After vocalist and guitarist Aadarsh Khimasia entertained the audience before the ceremony started, the Trumpet Ensemble then performed the processional, Henry Purcell’s Trumpet Tune. Music award-winner saxophonist Conor Parker-Delves enjoyed his swansong as a QE musician, leading a quintet as they played a piece of his own composition, Cherry Fizz, during a musical interlude. The recessional music, played by the Saxophone Ensemble, was Karen Street’s All in Good Time, followed by Coldplay’s Paradise. The Jazz Band played while tea was served.

The ceremony also featured a thoughtful and entertaining address by the Guest of Honour, Robert Rinder, who reflected on how his own experiences at QE had contributed to his varied and successful career, calling upon the Class of 2022 to hold onto those QE values of love of learning, hard work, and service.