Viewing archives for Old Elizabethans’

The Association has recently learnt of the sad passing of Doctor Peter Olney, on October 27th.  Peter was a pupil at Queen Elizabeth’s from 1931 to 1938.

The Association regrets to announce the passing of Colin Gibbens on April 29th.  Colin was a pupil at Queen Elizabeth’s from 1947 to 1953.

The Association is sad to announce the passing, on April 28th of Robert Thorogood.  A pupil of the School from 1949 to 1954 and a strong supporter of the Old Elizabethans, Robert later achieved the distinction of Fellowship of both the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors and the Institute of Management.

The Association has just recently been advised of the sad passing of Andrew Tarry OE. Andrew was a pupil at the school from 1955 to 1962.

The Association is sad to announce the passing on February 14th, of John Keeley, a pupil at the school from 1956 to 1964, following a long illness.  John was part of the 1962 QE trip to Russia – reportedly the first-ever visit by a British school party to the Soviet Union.  John’s funeral will be held at St. John the Baptist church, Aldenham on March 11th at 2.00 pm.

The Association has just learnt of the sad passing on January 14th, of Paul Vivian Davis after a long struggle with multiple sclerosis.  Born in Yorkshire, Paul attended the school from 1945 to 1951 and enjoyed a distinguished career as a chartered accountant and financial director, which was sadly cut short by his illness.

The Association has recently learnt of the sad passing of Derek Ingham OE.  Derek was a pupil at the School from 1947 to 1953.

It is with great sorrow that the Association announces the passing, on November 23rd, of Liz Parker, widow of Bob Parker OE and a great friend and supporter of the OEs.  Bob and Liz were well known for their tireless work on behalf of the rugby club as well as the 40 Society.

The family has extended an invitation to all friends to attend Liz’s funeral at the New Southgate Crematorium on Thursday 16th December at 12 noon, and afterwards at the West Lodge Park. (It would be appreciated if those wishing to attend could first advise Peter Yates at ). Donations to the Cherry Lodge Rest Home (account details 00008664, sort code 40-52-40) would be welcome, in lieu of any intended floral tributes.

The Association has just received the very sad news of the passing of Sid Clark, former master and Governor.  Sid served the school with great distinction, first as a chemistry master from 1956 until his retirement in 1987, then as a School Governor and later a Trustee of the Friends of Queen Elizabeth’s, being a co-founder of the FQE covenant scheme, before settling in New Zealand in 2008.

The Association is sad to announce the passing of Peter Whitaker, pupil at the school from 1930 to 1940.  Following a post-war career in military intelligence, Peter then worked as a civil servant, both overseas and at home before finally embarking on a legal career.  Peter passed away on 8th November.