A QE team who tested the commercial appeal of their beeswax-based, eco-friendly product at a Young Enterprise Trade Fair are planning to continue with the venture, even when the competition ends.
The team, who have named their firm The Green Bee Company, are producing re-usable wraps as an alternative to plastic kitchen film. Managing Director Mansimar Singh, of Year 12, said: “We believe very strongly in the product and in its potential for success.”
In addition to utilising natural beeswax for the film and for smaller beeswax sachets, the team sourced their other materials from local producers and also made sure their packaging was 100% plastic-free. “With recent youth activism in favour of sustainability and against climate change, we felt these should be issues our product should address, said Mansimar.
The team took their product to Old Spitalfields Market (before the current coronavirus restrictions) to sell at the Young Enterprise Trade Fair held there. Enrichment Tutor Alex Czirok-Carman said: “The boys worked very hard both in the run-up to the fair and on the day itself. They devoted their lunchtimes and time after school for many weeks to manufacture the product by hand.
“At the fair they sold all day and had a great time talking to the public and to the other teams. I was particularly impressed by how they explained their product to people – they were so confident and assured. They all gained a great deal from the experience.”
Mansimar agreed: “Many of the challenges of running a business are well-documented so when, as a team, we came up with a solution to an issue – that sense of achievement was unmatched. The selling experience was rewarding.”
To fulfil the Young Enterprise requirements, the boys had to establish a brand, create a scrapbook and generate an online presence for their company. “They chose the name The Green Bee Company because they wanted both the name and their product to have a message and a story. This was also reflected in their excellent logo,” added Mr Czirok-Carman.
The profits the boys made from the event at Old Spitalfields Market have been ploughed back into the business.
The Green Bee Company comprises:
Mansimar Singh – Managing Director (Year 12)
Ansh Jassra – Financial Director (Year 10)
Sudhamshu Gummadavelli – Marketing (Year 10)
Abhiraj Singh – Marketing (Year 10)
Haipei Jiang – Marketing (Year 10)
Anubhav Rathore – Product Development (Year 10)
Dylan Domb – Product Development (Year 10)
Yashaswar Kotakadi – Product Development (Year 10)
Ashwin Sridhar – Team member (Year 10)
Heemy Kalam – Team member (Year 10)
Shreyank Thottungal – Team member (Year 12)
Siddhant Kansal – Team member (Year 11)
- Update 9th May 2020: The Green Bee team won the Best Team Journey award at the North London Regional Finals, which were held virtually. The award will be presented to the School once the lockdown period is over.Judge Or Paran, a Vice President at Citi Bank, said the judging panel had found the QE team to have done a “really great job”, with “fantastic work that was evident throughout the duration of the competition” – work that was “well-coordinated and with beautiful attention to detail”.
The overall Best Company award went to a team from The Henrietta Barnett School, who progress to the next round.