Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
At Queen Elizabeth’s we are committed to providing, for each pupil, the best possible environment for their welfare and learning.
The School values the abilities and achievements of all of its pupils, including those who have special educational needs or a disability (“SEND”), and is committed to providing, for each pupil, the best possible environment for their welfare and learning, enabling them to achieve the best possible outcomes for the next stages of their education and life. In order to achieve this and to fulfil our Mission of producing boys who are confident, able and responsible, the School tries to ensure that the necessary provision is made for any pupil who has SEND.
All teachers are teachers of pupils with SEND, and our Pastoral Team, including the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (“SENCo”), work with all teaching staff, support staff, parents, pupils and, where necessary, outside agencies, to ensure that every pupil achieves his full potential.
Queen Elizabeth’s School has due regard for the Children and Families Act 2014; the Special Educational Needs and Disability Regulations 2014; the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice: 0 to 25 years (2016); Supporting pupils at school with medical needs (DfE Statutory Guidance 2016); the Equality Act 2010; and the Education Act 1996 and associated Regulations.
Full details of how we serve the needs of those pupils identified with SEND are set out in the School’s Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy. The School’s other policies which deal with aspects of pastoral care are also followed and integrated into our approach to SEND at all times. The information below provides a summary of our SEND Policy and sets out the measures taken to implement it. The School also has an Accessibility Plan to support pupils with disabilities.
The types of SEND that are provided for:
Children may have needs and requirements which fall into at least one of the following four areas (although some children may have inter-related needs, and the impairment, difficulties or disability may be permanent or temporary):
- Physical and sensory impairment, including medical conditions;
- Cognition and learning;
- Communication and interaction;
- Social, emotional and mental health difficulties.
How we identify a pupil with SEND:
- Records from primary schools;
- Information from doctors or other outside agencies such as those relating to issues of child protection;
- The University of Durham’s MidYIS programme: before the October half-term in Year 7, each pupil in the new intake is tested and the results used as an early indicator and standardised baseline of ability;
- Regular assessment in all subjects and all year groups to monitor work and progress;
- Teachers’ concerns raised with the SENCo, who will then investigate this further through discussion with relevant staff;
- Year Heads’ and Form Tutors’ referral of boys to the SENCo following pastoral checks within their year group or as part of the scheme of bespoke pastoral tutor sessions;
- Concerns raised by parents.
If a pupil fails to make progress despite the provision of extra support, the School will consider whether it would be appropriate to arrange for the pupil’s assessment for an Education, Health and Care (‘EHC’) Plan by the Local Authority.
What we do to help pupils with SEND:
- The School will make provision to ensure that pupils with SEND have access to all areas of the curriculum and to this end teachers will make full use of classroom and School resources;
- Specific resources available are: staff mentors assigned to boys to help support their difficulties; the peer mentoring scheme; subject clinics and revision classes; specialised resource materials e.g. use of laptops; specialised examination materials and arrangements e.g. modified test papers, examination scribes, extra time given or one to one invigilation in a separate room; access to outside agencies and specialists; electronic records maintained using software integrated into the central pupil database; disabled toilet facilities.
- The curriculum will be differentiated to meet the needs of individual pupils, and where necessary, personalised;
- If necessary, arrangements will be made for disapplying pupils from aspects of the School’s curriculum;
- Heads of Year will co-ordinate work for any pupils with long-term absences, as appropriate;
- Full support will be given to those pupils who have SEND because of a medical condition, including issues concerning suitable staff training, the storage and administering of medicines, and the management of frequent or long absences. Consideration will be given as to whether an Individual Healthcare Plan should be drawn up for that pupil.
How we monitor that a pupils is making progress and how we keep parents informed:
- Regular testing, assessment and monitoring of all pupils, including those with SEND, occurs in all subjects and year groups;
- The briefing at the start of each academic year provides curriculum information and guidance to parents to help them support their son’s learning;
- All pupils, including those with SEND, are consulted and involved in the review of their educational progress. SEND provision makes use of the bespoke tutoring and target setting system; all pupils see their tutors on a regular basis to evaluate work and monitor progress;
- If, as a result, it is apparent that a pupil needs extra support, his teachers will be made aware of his areas of strength and concerns, and will decide as to the appropriate support that should be given;
- Parents are kept fully informed of their son’s educational progress via termly communications (in the form of a progress review, parents’ evening or full educational profile);
- Parents of boys who fail their Internal Review (whether or not they have SEND) will meet with the Form Tutor to discuss ways forward;
- Parents are welcome to contact the School at any time if they have concerns about the progress of their child;
- If a pupil has an EHC Plan there will be an annual meeting to review it in School.
What we do to enable pupils with SEND to fully participate in School life:
- Pupils with SEND are regarded as full members of the School community, and staff are committed to identifying and providing for the needs of all pupils in a wholly inclusive environment;
- The School actively helps those pupils with SEND, including those with a medical condition, to participate in extra-curricular activities, sporting activities, trips and visits. This includes considering what reasonable adjustments can be made to enable such pupils to participate.
The training that is given to our staff:
- Specialist SEND training conferences, courses and Local Authority workshops are attended by our SENCo and other members of staff involved in the pastoral care of pupils;
- In-house training in Child Protection and some aspects of medical care is delivered to all staff;
- Every member of teaching staff must be aware of the School’s SEND Policy and is issued with a summary guide to SEND at Queen Elizabeth’s;
- Teachers are given full details of all pupils with SEND at the start of each academic year. Any changes to the School’s SEND profile are published throughout the year on the eQE;
- The School’s SEND procedures are part of the induction programme for new teaching staff.
Specialist external services we use when we consider it is needed:
- Educational Psychologists for assessment and intervention;
- Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS);
- Visiting School Nurse;
- Barnet Children’s’ Services and Social Care Departments;
- The Education Welfare Service.
How we help pupils on joining and leaving the School:
- When requesting to sit the School’s Entrance Test, parents are invited to give details of any SEND their son may have and his needs will be discussed by the Admissions Officer and other relevant members of staff in advance of the Test;
- Practical extra measures for the sitting of the Entrance Test (e.g. extra time, extra toilet breaks, a quiet room, examination readers or scribes) will be given to those pupils with SEND, as appropriate;
- All pupils must reach the published standard in the Entrance Test to be eligible to be considered for admission to the School;
- The School will familiarise itself with new pupils in advance of their arrival by obtaining pupil records from previous schools;
- Pupils with SEND who have been offered a place at the School, together with their parents or carers, are invited to the School during the summer term before they join to meet with the SENCo and/or Assistant Head in charge of Transition to further discuss provision for that pupil’s needs;
- When a pupil with SEND leaves the School, we provide the appropriate support to ensure that a smooth transition takes place. Pupils and their parents will be provided with all relevant information concerning higher education and we will liaise with the next provider of education so that they are aware of the pupil’s special needs.
How we evaluate the success of our SEND Policy:
- The effectiveness of the SEND Policy is monitored by the SENCo, the School’s Senior Management Team and the School Governor responsible for SEND;
- The Governor responsible for SEND presents a formal report to the full Governing Body annually, whereby the Governors gauge the success of the Policy mainly by considering whether the needs of all pupils with SEND have been met and whether pupils with SEND have achieved in line with expectations.
How we handle complaints about SEND provision:
- Any concerns or complaints about SEND provision should be addressed in the first instance to the SENCo, who will respond by meeting with the parents to discuss the situation;
- If this does not resolve the situation, the School will deal with complaints in accordance with Stage One of the procedure outlined in the School’s Complaints Policy.
Who to contact for more information or to report a concern:
- The main point of contact at the School regarding pastoral care is the pupil’s Form Tutor in the first instance or for more serious concerns his Year Head. The best way to contact the School is via the main School telephone number on (020) 8441 4646 from where you will be transferred to the relevant member of staff. Emails addressed to enquiries@qebarnet.co.uk can also be forwarded to relevant members of staff;
- The School’s SENCo is Dr. Sarah Westcott (Assistant Head Pupil Progress) and the SEND Administrator is Mrs. Anjuna Lad;
- The London Borough of Barnet’s Local Offer concerning Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (‘the Local Offer’) is a resource which is designed to support children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities and their families;
- The Local Offer includes information about public services across education, health and social care, as well as those provided by the private, voluntary and community sectors;
- It applies to all those who have a special educational need or disability, not only to those who have an EHC plan;
- All Local Authorities in England, including each London Borough, have published their own SEND Local Offer.
- Full details of the London Borough of Barnet’s Local Offer can be found here.
This Report on SEND at Queen Elizabeth’s School was prepared in October 2024 and will be reviewed in November 2025.