QE Houses
At Queen Elizabeth’s, all boys belong to one of six houses – named after significant figures in the history of the School.
Their House is like a boy’s family at School, with tutor time and some subjects being taught within their House groupings and many boys forming particularly close friendships with those from their form.
Throughout the year boys compete alongside their house-mates in a multitude of inter-house activities, taking in sport, music, drama, debating, and much more, which together help determine the winners of the House Cup! The Eric Shearly House Cup for 2022/23 was won by Stapylton.
The House system is run by the boys themselves, with each House having a House Captain, Deputy House Captain and Charities Officer. Each form within every year group also has a House representative. The Houses individually raise money for a local charity every year.
The House system helps give boys a sense of belonging in the School; fosters a strong team dynamic; provides early opportunities for boys to take on roles of leadership; and reminds us of our long and distinguished history.