Back to School Guide 2021
As part of our plans to keep everyone in the Elizabethan community safe during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, we have published an extensively revised version of our ‘Back to School Guide’ to set out all the important information that families need to know ahead of the start of the 2021-22 academic year.
This guide is essential reading for students, parents and staff. We still need you to ‘play your part: help control the virus’.
The guide includes information on the programme of asymptomatic testing for the start of term. Whilst many of the restrictions have been eased or removed, in line with government advice, there are still important actions everyone can take to reduce the risk of transmission and to help ensure that we enjoy another successful year.
Whilst up to date at the point of publishing, the School will continue to develop and adapt procedures as necessary, should there be changes in circumstances locally or nationally.