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The tough get going at CCF summer camp

QE’s senior Combined Cadet Force members experienced five days that tested their knowledge, skills and endurance at Exercise Endeavour – their summer camp in Lincolnshire.

Cadets from Year 10 and above headed to the Beckingham Camp training area, where the challenges came thick and fast. They took part in simulated attacks and ambushes, held compounds against attack, and were given an introduction to urban warfare.

There were challenges from the weather, too: during two nights and three days out on the terrain, they had to deal first with the cold and camping on wet ground, and then with very hot temperatures towards the end. The other two nights were spent in the site’s military accommodation.

Captain Richard Scally said: “The focus of the camp was on field training – on practising and assessing field craft and tactics, which involved boys applying skills they have gained during the year.

“It was a fully immersive experience for our cadets, who did very well, under the expert guidance and supervision of my colleagues.”

QE’s CCF was joined for the camp activities by the CCF from The John Warner School in Hoddesdon.

Also sharing the venue were personnel from RAF Cranwell and Lincolnshire Constabulary’s Armed Police Unit.

With days that began at 6am with the ‘reveille’ wake-up call and ended as late as midnight after evening activities, the camp was not only exciting, but tough and disciplined, too. Alongside the ‘recce patrols’, ‘preparation for battle’ and ‘platoon attack’ listed in the programme, there were also sessions dedicated to weapon-cleaning and administration.

It was not all hard work, however: there was an opportunity to relax at a movie night on the first evening.

QE is one of very few state schools to have its own CCF. Established in 1992, it is sponsored by the Corps of Royal Engineers, with the Regular Army providing support in training and administration.


Double victory in national Mathematics competition – again!

QE won two first places in the All England Grammar School Mathematician of the Year  (GSMOTY) competition for the second consecutive year.

Saim Khan, who enters Year 13 in September, was the winner for Key Stage 5, while William Joanes, who goes into Year 12, was first in the Key Stage 4 category. QE also featured among the Key Stage 3 high-flyers, with Aaryan Prabhaker, who will be in Year 9, the runner-up for that age group.

The results, announced during the summer, are for the 2023 competition. In 2022, QE pupils were also among the winners, taking first place for Key Stages 3 & 4.

Head of Mathematics Jessica Steer said: “Our congratulations go to Saim, William and Aaryan for their individual performances and for representing the School so well. More than a third of all the country’s grammar schools took part in this year’s competition, with thousands of competitors, and the competition organisers have said the standard was higher than ever. So the achievement of these three pupils is considerable.”

GSMOTY is organised by a division of education company Mathema Events Limited 2023. The GSMOTY website states: “Our competition aims to ignite an interest for maths in a fun and innovative way for all abilities.”

Entering GSMOTY involves sitting an interactive, online mathematics paper at home. Each of the three age categories has a separate 50-question examination, with an optional extra tie-break question at the end.

The competition includes questions drawn from the curriculum specification for the relevant key stage, as well as material which extends slightly beyond it. For the Key Stage 5 examination, for example, areas covered included: exponentials; logarithms & log rules; series summation; differentiation; and integration.

Saim described taking part as “an amazing experience – a true test of problem-solving skills and lateral thinking, as you extended concepts learnt in class in directions you hadn’t covered before. It was immensely enjoyable, with my favourite style of questions being those on integration because – whilst they often looked the hardest – they often had some of the most elegant solutions. Winning was the icing on the cake!”

The questions were set by GSMOTY’s chief examiner, Professor James Preston. The papers were marked by ten Heads of Mathematics from state secondary schools that are not grammar schools.


Head for the hills! (and for the theatre, zoo, air museum, ancient ruin…) Almost 1,000 pupils and staff take a break from the classroom

With most pupils set to enjoy two days off, while the School conducts its annual entrance test, inspiration can be drawn from the two-day Flourish Festival that saw 940 boys and 53 staff head out from Queen’s Road on 25 separate trips, taking full advantage of QE’s position within easy reach of both beautiful countryside and the world-famous cultural attractions of London.

The festival included a wide variety of trips for all of Years 7–10 and Year 12 organised through QE’s Flourish enrichment programme as an end-of-year treat.

Assistant Head (Pupil Involvement) Crispin Bonham-Carter, who leads Flourish, said: “It was a major logistical exercise: we sent the staff and boys to 25 separate locations and activities, including three museums, one airfield, one forest, three theatres, one ancient ruin, two country hikes, one set of botanical gardens, one university, one library, one girls’ school, and one zoo.

“We certainly celebrate academic achievement here, but, as this festival exemplifies, the QE experience is about so much more than that. Over two summer days, we gave boys the chance to pursue their interests, to learn something new, or, in some cases, to stretch themselves with some physical exercise in the great outdoors.

“It was a very diverse programme, but, we hope, with this in common – that all had the opportunity to relax with friends and enjoy themselves.”

The major trips involved in the festival were:

  • Year 7
    Sponsored walk in the Dollis Valley, Barnet
    Whipsnade Zoo
  • Year 8
    Kew Gardens
    Roman St Albans (Verulamium)
  • Year 9
    Imperial War Museum Duxford, Cambridgeshire
    Science Museum
  • Year 10
    Globe Theatre
    Heartwood Forest, St Albans
    Design Museum
    British Library
  • Year 12
    Theatre trips (Garrick Theatre and Young Vic)
    Chilterns Hike (Cookham to Marlow loop)

Asked what makes a great School trip, Mr Bonham-Carter said: “It’s all about the people. All of the brilliant staff and all the boys out of School together, doing something joyfully different.

“It’s the multitude of shared moments: the stunning views, the brilliant performances, the M25, sudden downpours, awe-inspiring exhibits, ice-creams, tube delays – everything – the whole School – living and learning together.”

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Rocco’s soaring success in two national butterfly finals

Star swimmer Rocco Giustiniani won gold in both the 100m and 200m butterfly finals in Swim England’s Summer Meet at Sheffield’s Ponds Forge complex.

Rocco, who enters Year 13 next month, battled hard to win the shorter race, while in the 200m, he not only led from the start, but also achieved an emphatic personal best (PB).

Director of Sport Jonathan Hart said: “Many congratulations to Rocco on these impressive performances, which I know reflect a great deal of hard work in training.”

Rocco, who swims for London’s long-established Anaconda Swim Club, reached the final of the 17-year-olds’ 100m competition after performing strongly in the heats, where he was just outside his PB for that distance.

Placed in lane 4 for the final, he was behind at the halfway stage, but fought back hard to take gold with a time of 57.74 seconds, ahead of the second-placed swimmer on 58.04.

In the 200m final, he led all the way in lane 5, getting off very quickly and swimming the first leg in an impressive 27.88s. By the halfway stage, he was a full second clear of the field – an advantage he retained to the end, completing the race with a time of 2.09.53.

Last year Rocco was selected for the Sport England-funded Talented Athlete Scholarship Scheme.

The selection was a confirmation of several years of success in the pool.

In the 2021–2022 season, he built on his pre-pandemic successes by winning the 100m butterfly London regional title. He qualified for the summer 2022 national championships, where he finished seventh.

His rise continued last summer when he smashed his PB in the nationals and took bronze in the 200m final.

Rocco’s accomplishments were recognised recently by his QE classmates, when they nominated him for a DVS Award.

The award for ‘independence’ was presented by Old Elizabethan (1991–1998) Priyan Shah, of the DVS Foundation in a special assembly. The citation spoke of his “working exceptionally hard at School, whilst maintaining a rigorous schedule of competitive swimming outside of School”.


At the top of his game! Head of Rugby bows out with special leadership award, with nine QE boys also winners

Teacher and Old Elizabethan James Clarke won QE’s first-ever Leader Award from the Jack Petchey Achievement Award Scheme, having been nominated by his pupils.

Mr Clarke (OE 1999–2004), who leaves QE this summer after a dozen years in the PE department, was presented with his award alongside nine student winners drawn from Years 10–12.

QE’s ten recipients received their awards just a few weeks after the death of businessman and philanthropist Sir Jack Petchey at the age of 98. The award scheme that bears his name recognises outstanding young people aged 11-25 across London and Essex.

Headmaster Neil Enright said: “Many congratulations to James. His passion for rugby is well-known, but the award also rightly recognises his commitment to helping students reach their full potential, both academically and in their extra-curricular activities. He takes with him our best wishes as he moves to a new position with Bermudan rugby.

“I also congratulate the nine pupils who have won awards for their contributions to School life, which covered a wide range of endeavour, from music to mentoring.”

Mr Clarke is pictured, top, receiving his award from the Deputy Mayor of the Barnet, Councillor Danny Rich, and then at Sports Day, where he anchored the staff team to victory in the day’s traditional finale, a 16 x 100m relay known as the QE Mile. He received the Leader award for his dedication to coaching and mentoring, recognising that this has gone beyond the rugby field.

Pupils winning awards were:

  • Harrison Lee, Shrey Tater​, Chanul Athukoralage​ and Shreyas Mone​ in Year 12
  • Karan Somani​, Sejal Bobba​ and Muhammad Ammaar Hurzuk​ in Year 11
  • Noah Morley​ and Ahsan Rahman in Year 10.

Harrison Lee has led junior strings and various music ensembles, dedicating himself to enhancing their performances. He also consistently plays in School concerts, thus showcasing his passion for Music.

Shrey Tater is also involved with Music, with his contributions to the Senior Choir being recognised, along with his commitment to helping with extra-curricular activities, particularly with the younger years.

Shreyas Mone’s award reflected his role as an ambassador for the International Astronomy and Astrophysics Competition (IAAC). ​The citation added: “He is also known for his exceptional and captivating Physics blog, where he shares fascinating insights, making complex concepts easily understandable.”

Sejal Bobba is a candidate for the Barnet Youth Parliament, known for his role as a positive influence and role model for younger generations. He is actively involved in the School’s debating society and was also recognised for his friendly personality, always being willing to engage in conversations with anyone needing help.​

For the two youngest award-winners, Ahsan Rahman was reported to shine as a peer mentor, providing valuable support to new Year 7 boys dealing with examination stress and sharing strategies to avoid low grades. A committed sportsman and strong coach, he leads by example, on and off the field. ​

And Noah Morley is another exceptional musician, participating in six Music clubs per week and in numerous concerts. In addition to engaging in sports, he also contributes to the School community by assisting with House assemblies.​

Young visitors enjoy a taste of the future as primary school programme grows

QE has again expanded its outreach work with Barnet primary schools, adding a day focussed on Art to its programme this year.

Now in its ninth year, the primary schools initiative gives girls and boys in Year 5 an early taste of what it is like to be at secondary school, providing a range of activities designed to be both stimulating and fun.

As well as the youngsters coming to Queen’s Road, the programme also involves sixth-formers visiting primary schools as volunteers. They are now delivering activities to Years 4–6 in areas ranging from coding and chess to creative writing and public speaking.

Headmaster Neil Enright said: “QE is very much a Barnet school, and we see this outreach to our friends in local primary schools as an important element of our community partnership work. Furthermore, although we have pupils at QE from a wide area, we certainly welcome applications from families living more locally. We therefore naturally hope that some of the boys who came along to these primary school outreach events may be inspired to apply next year.”

Earlier in the summer, QE announced a partnership with education technology specialists Atom Learning to support primary school children from disadvantaged backgrounds. Through the partnership, children aged 7–11 who are eligible for Pupil Premium are being given free access to online learning resources and to preparation for grammar school entrance tests.

For QE’s 2024 primary schools outreach work, as well as the Art day, there were days focussed on Science, on Humanities (first introduced in 2022) and with a double focus on Mathematics and English.

The departments involved include: English; Mathematics; Art; Music; Science; Economics; Geography; and History, as well as The Queen’s Library, which hosts literacy workshops as part of the programme.

Head of Art Craig Wheatley said: “At the Art day, our young visitors really enjoyed spending time exploring the creative process, and that involved working on activities such as doodling and creating collages without necessarily having a fixed plan.” The children used magazines and newspapers, building up a collage on top of text, and adding colour with pencils. They also designed a personal logo.

Activities on the programme’s other days ranged from a forensic crime exercise aimed at tracking down a (fictional!) murderer to designing and marketing a new product.

The young visitors often worked in teams, with a competitive element adding excitement to their day away from their normal classrooms.

QE’s partner primary schools are: Christ Church; Foulds; Monken Hadley; Northside; St Catherine’s; Underhill; and Whitings Hill.

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From ancient ruins to zip wires, Latin trips were classics of their kind

Two four-day trips to Provence and Rome respectively provided boys with the opportunity to see at first-hand many marvels of the ancient world, alongside stunning scenery and modern attractions.

Arranged with an emphasis on classical history and culture, the Latin trips organised by the Languages department provided a packed programme of activities.

Headmaster Neil Enright said: “We firmly believe that what pupils learn in the classroom can be greatly enriched by carefully curated trips and visits. That is certainly true of a subject such as Latin: there really is nothing like visiting the wonders of the ancient world for stimulating interest in ancient languages and in Classics more generally.”

Vivan Paul, of Year 10, was one of the pupils on the Rome trip: “I thoroughly enjoyed the sightseeing segment, and appreciated how we were able to visit numerous destinations in a relatively short time frame.”

After arriving for an early lunch on the first day, the boys had the chance to stretch their legs and explore Ostia Antica – the city’s Roman mini seaport. Day two included a guided tour of Vatican City and St Peter’s Basilica – one of the highlights for Vivan’s fellow Year 10 boy Tapash Gurung: “What I liked was the experience, going to the Vatican, and being able to explore Roman heritage and buildings. Overall, it was an amazing trip, filled with fond memories and amazing experiences: thank you to everyone who made this happen!” 

The trip also took in the Capitoline Museums (considered to be the first museums in the world) and the acclaimed ruins of the Baths of Caracalla. On the third day, after their guided tour of the Colosseum, Palatine Hill and Foro Romano, afternoon temperatures hit 40C, forcing the party to seek some shelter. On the final day, the boys enjoyed the Leonardo da Vinci experience and spending time at the Pantheon and the Trevi fountain, before heading home. 

The boys who made the trip to Provence in France also reported having had a memorable time. They likewise took in Roman ruins, but often in more rural settings. 

Siddarth Chidipudi, of Year 8, said: “We visited a variety of old Roman amphitheatres, ranging from one nearly as ‘colossal’ as the Colosseum itself to some that were more small and exclusive. We visited the idyllic mountaintop town of Arles, packed with local shops and homes and surrounded by breathtaking mountains. We also went to the magnificent Roman aqueduct of Pont Du Guard and saw the museum there.” 

The French experience started with a visit to Orange. The boys visited the Arc de Triomphe d’Orange Théâtre Antique and the municipal museum, before taking the opportunity to wander around the old town. The following day saw the boys with further free time in Arles, before a tour of the amphitheatre and Roman baths.  

After visiting Avignon in the morning of the third day, the boys took part in activities at the Parc Aventure Oxygène at Vaison La Romaine. The tree-top adventure park offers orienteering, slack-lining, climbing and zip wire runs. 

Year 8’s Galinghan Balamurugan particularly enjoyed this day: “It was very fun and extremely memorable, especially with the adventure park. A great way to finish the trip, feeling one with nature and being surrounded by greenery. In my opinion, the best part of the adventure park was the zip line at the end.” 

His contemporary, Kiaan Kariholu, summarised the whole experience: “I enjoyed visiting the different towns and exploring the markets by ourselves. My favourite part was trying some passion-fruit ice cream, which tasted really nice. There was nothing that I didn’t like: overall, it was a really a nice and fun trip, where we could experience traditional culture with our friends.” 

Arjun Darade, also of Year 8, similarly appreciated the “historical marvels” on his “fantastic” Provence trip: “There was nothing I didn’t like.”

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Recognised and affirmed: ten sixth-formers receive awards

Ten pupils from Year 12 received special bursary awards from a philanthropic foundation set up by Old Elizabethan Priyan Shah’s family.

The DVS Awards recognise qualities such as humility, resilience, leadership and reliability. Participating schools are asked to nominate the award-winners, with the nomination process involving both teachers and classmates. QE has partnered with the DVS Foundation over the past three years.

Headmaster Neil Enright said: “Priyan and his family are passionate about supporting educational initiatives and about seeking to celebrate those whose contribution might not otherwise be recognised. Their emphasis on encouraging positive personal qualities and character attributes aligns very well with the School’s own mission to produce young men who are confident, able and responsible.

“By allowing students to nominate their peers for an award, the scheme encourages Year 12 pupils themselves to recognise and affirm positive examples from among their own year group.”

As well as participating in the awards scheme, the School has also run the foundation’s WhyOhYou personal development programme. In addition, the foundation has facilitated work experience for QE pupils.

The DVS Foundation was set up in 2012 by Priyan’s parents, Dhiru and Rami. Education is one of its major areas of focus, together with food insecurity and healthcare, both in the UK and East Africa. The family business is a company specialising in UK institutional real estate investment.

In launching the DVS Awards in 2021, the foundation stated its belief that “success should not only be centred around academic achievements”. The ten categories are determined by the schools, with Year 12 chosen since this age “marks a pivotal transition into adulthood”.

Each winner of a DVS Award received a certificate and a £100 gift voucher in an end-of-year assembly. Priyan (OE 1991­–1998) visited the School to present the awards. The recipients and the categories for which they won are listed below, together with their citations.

  • Commitment: Luc Tran – Nominated by the Art department “for his exceptional commitment to the space and place art project. Despite his educational travel commitments, Luc demonstrated remarkable dedication by not only completing the project to high standards but also undertaking an extension task. His last presentation, which included sketches, photography, and the final outcome, was comprehensive and detailed, showcasing a thorough explanation of his theme. Luc’s ability to balance his travels with his project work exemplifies his outstanding work ethic and passion for art.”
  • Environmental Stewardship: Suhruth Tadvai – Suhruth has volunteered at a cow shed since December in Year 11, going once a week to help clean up and look after the cows; this is connected to Hinduism, in which looking after cows is important, as they are sacred.
  • Humility: Zain Farooqi – Nominated by a number of his peers as someone who quietly but consistently helps his friends, be it through academic studies or when playing football.
  • Independence: Rocco Giustiniani – Recognised by several of his peers for working exceptionally hard at school, whilst maintaining a rigorous schedule of competitive swimming outside of school.
  • Kindness: Rushil Akula – Nominated by a number of peers as someone who consistently demonstrates kindness to others. One student said he’s “always treating people with respect and is always willing to help other out”.
  • Leadership: Chanakya Seetharam, who is the 2024 School Captain. A huge number of students recognised Chanakya’s leadership skills. Not only does he complete his responsibilities as School Captain very well, but he’s recognised as someone who leads from the front, demonstrates excellence and is very dependable.
  • Reliability: Rohan Varia – A hard-working, dedicated student, Rohan has been recognised for being on time, completing tasks well and impressing his teachers.
  • Resilience: Pranav Nadendla – Also a hard-working, dedicated student, Pranav has achieved this while overcoming several significant personal challenges.
  • Respect: Haris Shahid – Nominated by a number of his peers, with this nomination summing up what they all felt: “I cannot think of a single time that anyone I have met has ever had anything bad to ever say about him, and he is known and respected by all students. Few, if any students will ever say that he has ever offended them.”
  • Selflessness: David Wang – David has been recognised for working exceptionally hard as a Senior Prefect Sector leader. He does this incredibly well and diligently, often when it’s not convenient for him to do so. The School benefits enormously from his care and conscientiousness.


Broughton brings it off, winning House Cup by narrow margin

Broughton just pipped last year’s winner, Stapylton, to become QE’s champion House, with 1,592 points, against Stapylton’s 1,589.

Headmaster Neil Enright presented the Eric Shearly House Cup to Broughton’s leaders as the climax to the traditional end-of-year assembly.

“My congratulations go to House Captain Robin Bickers, Deputy House Captain Zeyuan Wu, and to all the members of Broughton House,” he said. “As the points totals attest, this was a closely fought contest. Points are amassed from many different areas of School life, and Broughton’s achievement thus demonstrates considerable commitment, as well as consistency across a broad range of endeavour.”

Underne came third in this year’s competition.

The cup is awarded based on points that are awarded to QE’s six Houses throughout the academic year. They include points gained through a large number of House competitions. Points are also gained according to the total number of merits and good notes earned across the year groups.

Broughton has the distinction of being the only House named after an Old Elizabethan. William Grant Broughton was educated at QE in the late 18th century and was appointed Archdeacon of New South Wales in 1828, having been noticed and assisted by the Duke of Wellington. He went on to become the first (and only) Bishop of Australia of the Church of England.

The trophy Broughton received, the Eric Shearly Cup, is named after Eric Shearly (1920–2005), who dedicated 76 years of his life to QE, where he was both a pupil and a teacher. He was an enthusiastic advocate of extra-curricular activities, having himself been a highly successful QE athletics captain in the late 1930s.

The special assembly was introduced by Assistant Head (Pupil Involvement) Crispin Bonham-Carter, who leads the QE Flourish extra-curricular programme.

He told the boys that QE Flourish this year included no fewer than 200 trips, 33 of them residential. Every single member of QE’s teaching staff took part in at least one School trip. Six hundred and fifty boys had seen a live show. In total, the programme had delivered 13,508 experiences to individual pupils, Mr Bonham-Carter said.

The assembly celebrated many of the year’s achievements and House competitions. Areas covered included charity work; the environment (including autumn tree-planting and bulb-planting as part of the 2023 450th anniversary celebrations); EDI (equality, diversity and inclusion); QE Together (the pupil-led community partnership with Queen Elizabeth’s Girls’ School); debating; Music; chess; drama; and sport.

The boys were told that £500 was raised for the Noah’s Ark Hospice and another £500 for overseas charitable work, split between the School’s long-running Sai School Appeal supporting a rural school in Kerala, India, and Teach Sri Lanka, which supports the education of children from all communities and all backgrounds in that nation.

The assembly also celebrated a busy year for the School’s musicians, who have been involved in eight concerts, QE’s May the fourth be almost with you Music festival, trips, charity performances, and this month’s tour to Vienna, as well as providing musical support for several formal School occasions.

With chess thriving at QE, especially in the lower years, there was the announcement of 20 boys winning junior colours, seven winning intermediate and seven winning senior, as well as a large number of commendations.

In sport, 23 teams represented the School this year. There were more than 119 fixtures, with a total of 407 different boys playing for QE.


Result goes to the wire at Sports Day

Stapylton House beat rivals Broughton at Sports Day 2024 in the closest contest for years.

The blues of Stapylton emerged victorious by the narrowest of margins – a single point – thus bringing to an end the multi-year Sports Day dominance of red rivals Broughton.

Headmaster Neil Enright said: “With Stapylton winning by 587 points to Broughton’s 586, the competition could hardly have been any more exciting! Well done to all the hundreds of boys who competed and to our winners.

“My thanks go to the PE & Games department for successfully putting on a one-day festival of physical activity that was a great deal of fun.”

Sports Day covered a wide range of disciplines, including individual track and field athletics events, rowing, triathlon, badminton, table-tennis, Eton Fives, tug-of-war and volleyball.

It involved every pupil from Year 7 through to Year 10. Large numbers of staff were on hand to make sure everything ran smoothly, with the Year 12 Sports Leaders also playing an important role in the administration.

The event was the swansong of Head of Rugby James Clarke, who leaves the School this summer after working in the department for a dozen years. As an Old Elizabethan (1999-2004), if he felt some disappointment that his own House, Broughton, missed out, there was at least consolation in the fact that he anchored the staff team to victory in the traditional finale to Sports Day – the QE Mile, a 16 x 100m relay.

Pictured, top, is Year 10’s Faaiz Adil, one of the School’s leading young sportsmen, quite literally throwing himself into his race.

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