It is with regret that the Association announces the death of Maurice Glassman who passed on 15 January 2019.
It is with regret that the Association announces the death of Maurice Glassman who passed on 15 January 2019.
It is with regret that the Association announces the death of Mike Back who passed in early 2019.
It is with regret that the Association announces the death of Roy Hatton who passed on 18 December 2018.
The Christmas Draw of the Old Elizabethans’ 200 Club was made on 17 December 2018. The following were prize-winners:
C M Allen £200
J A Hobson £150
A Johnson £100
J M Holloway £75
A P McKay £50
M L Bay £25
If you wish to join the 200 Club, which costs £12 a year and supports the Memorial Playing Fields and the School, contact Martyn Bradish at .
It is with regret that the Association announces the death of Jim Winchester who passed on 18 June 2018.