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The Association is very sad to announce the passing, on March 4th, of Sir Leslie Fielding KCMG OE at the age of 88.  A Life Member of the Association and prolific contributor to the ‘Elizabethan’,  Sir Leslie attended the school from 1943 to 1951.

The Association is sad to announce the passing of Peter Teare OE, who attended the school from 1938 to 1944.

The Association is sad to announce the passing of Ray Hammond OE on December 8th, of which we have just recently learnt.  Ray attended the school from 1942 to 1947.

The Association is sad to announce the passing on February 2nd of former School Captain Richard Newton (1956 to 1964) after a courageous battle against overwhelming odds.

The Association regrets to announce the recent passing of Charles Dyer, who attended the school from 1935 to 1938.