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Please complete the form below if you would like to receive communications from the Association.
Due to new data protection regulations, we need a legal basis to send you news and information about our activities.
For Fellows of the Association we have an implied contract with you that we can use your data and store it in connection with the Association’s business. For Members there is no such contractual arrangement and going forward we therefore have to obtain your consent to hold your contact data.
We use your data to send occasional emails concerning Old Elizabethan and School events, advise of changes as it touches our membership and, for Fellows, we send out the twice yearly Elizabethan. We may also write to you about Association matters.
If you wish to become a Member of the Association we request that you give your consent by filling in the form below and ticking the box for Old Elizabethan Member in the about you section towards the end of the form. It only takes a couple of minutes to complete and means that we can stay in touch with you, or begin sending you information for the first time if you are a new Member. If you wish to become a Fellow, please complete the consent form as a Member and email alumni@qebarnet.co.uk for an application form.