The aims of the Association are to further the interests of the School and of its past and present members, and to promote social and sporting activities among those members.
To this end, members are kept in touch with activities, events and developments by means of a bi-annual newsletter, The Elizabethan. The Association also has its own area of the website, where full information about its activities is published.
Social activities have always remained a prominent part of the portfolio of member benefits – an annual dinner, a dinner debate, Founder’s day are regular features in the calendar. There is a Masonic Lodge and an extremely popular Forty Society Luncheon Club for those who left the school forty or more years ago. Similar ‘get togethers’ for other year groups are planned.
Sections focused on sport, in the broadest sense, are equally alive and, in some cases, kicking. The Association currently supports cricket and golf clubs; and is affiliated with the Barnet Elizabethans Rugby Club. It still has a long-term lease on the War Memorial Sports ground at Gypsy Corner in Mays Lane, Barnet, which was purchased by the Association in the late 1940s from its own resources, from donations from members and from monies remaining in its War Memorial Fund. The ground is administered by a limited company which is wholly owned by the Association.
In recent years, the Association has built closer relations with the Friends of QE, supporting the careers education of boys currently at the School and assisting with fundraising initiatives. The Headmaster and the School Captain are members ex-officio of both the Association and the Committee. An Old Elizabethan Memorial Room has been set up within the Library at the School, with the help of the Friends of QE. Its purpose is to provide a meeting place for, and to collate memorabilia of, all Old Elizabethans, not just those who are members of the Association.