Economics lies at the heart of modern society, intersecting the very different worlds of government and business.
Always current and relevant, it is constantly changing – a living subject – which makes it both interesting and challenging.
Whether at GCSE or at A-level, we aim to stretch more able pupils to explore the subject beyond the syllabus specification, while also ensuring that all boys are gaining the understanding needed to master the syllabus. Pupils are encouraged to pursue Economics at degree level, whether on Pure Economics courses or combined with another subject.
Through studying Economics, boys develop skills in independent learning and in analytical and critical evaluation which they will be able to apply at the next stage of their studies.
We seek to cultivate a spirit of curiosity that extends into areas such as politics, geography and social behaviour: pupils can then use this knowledge in considering current affairs, exploring the real-world application of economic theory.
Technology is increasingly being used by the Economics department in order that boys can use electronic notes, videos and research sites to study economic theory independently, whilst in class we focus on its application, on the understanding of current economic issues and on examination technique.
Old Elizabethans: Award-winning global investor relations chief
After a string of roles in investor relations across the Far East, in 2017 David Wu (OE 1994-2001) became Head of Investor Relations at Fosun Group, one of China's largest multinationals, managing over US$70bn in assets. Within months, he and his team had won a top industry award for Fosun’s IR strategy.
Now based in Shanghai, David originally came from Hunan in China, his family moving to London when he was a child. At QE, he showed early promise in commerce: he was part of the Young Enterprise team that became UK and European Champions in 2000. After reading Economics & Management at Cambridge, David began his career in investment banking with Rothschild & Co in London, Moscow and Singapore.

Old Elizabethans: Managing international business risk
Stefan Rajendra (OE 2001-2008) achieved straight As in his four A-levels before going on to read Economics at UCL. As a student he spent four months as a summer analyst in Nomura’s Change Management Team, returning there for a year after he graduated in 2011 to work as a Regulatory Control Analyst.
In January 2013 he moved to Accenture, where his role involves helping some of the world’s leading financial institutions manage the risks of doing global business. Stefan, who often travels abroad for his job, reports that he has found risk management a particularly interesting area since the 2008 financial crisis.