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Enabling the Vision

Excellence and advancement on merit

We will unrelentingly pursue our ambition to do our best and to be the best, achieving sector-leading outcomes in all areas. Through careful attention to staff recruitment and pupil admissions, we will gather the best talent, irrespective of background.

We will work to ensure that all are highly motivated and to empower all to achieve their potential, while supporting their mental and physical wellbeing.

Open-mindedness, tolerance and kindness

We will promote and live out the values which reflect our Elizabethan traditions and the best of the modern world. While looking beyond the immediate and the reactive, we will engage with different perspectives in areas such as race and discrimination as we seek to pursue higher, shared human values.

We will foster a safe environment in which boys can share their experiences with those from diverse backgrounds, and will encourage thoughtful and open conversation about societal issues. By thus broadening pupils’ horizons, we will nurture an atmosphere of friendship and friendliness in which we both learn from our diversity and recognise commonality.

Valuing and seeking inspiration from our heritage

The School celebrates its 450th anniversary during the period covered by this School Development Plan. We will draw on this long history in order to build on the accomplishments of our predecessors, mindful of our responsibility to be good stewards, improving the School for future generations.

Community building and partnerships

Working closely with the Friends of Queen Elizabeth’s and our alumni, we will support the whole Elizabethan community, comprising current pupils, their families and our staff, as well as old boys and other supporters.

The School is proud to belong to our local community of Barnet and recognises that it is also part of wider society: we will work with other schools and organisations for mutual benefit, while also promoting a culture of philanthropy among present and past pupils.

Maximising the advantages of our campus and location

We will invest strategically in the continual upgrading of our estates, anticipating future needs and planning accordingly for the timely provision of high-quality learning, working and social spaces. Our School is located in one of the world’s great capital cities: we will ensure that the artistic, intellectual and sporting benefits of being educated in London accrue to our pupils.

Operational efficiency

We will be ambitious in making investments into our physical and digital infrastructure, recognising the cardinal importance of, firstly, maintaining an excellent learning environment on our campus, and, secondly, of pursuing a continuous programme of digital development to facilitate boys’ education, whether at School, at home, or anywhere else. At the same time, in all our operations and investments, we will take a prudent approach, seeking to avoid unnecessary waste.

We will work to generate income from a variety of sources. We will give a high priority to excellent communications, ensuring that we convey our values and report effectively on the School’s activities and achievements; we will seek and implement appropriate solutions for ensuring optimal contact between staff and parents.

Strong governance

The Governing Body will provide both support and effective challenge to the leadership of the School. Operating in a transparent manner, the Governors will make considered, yet clear, decisions that will encourage bold innovation, while having due regard to mitigating risk. The Governing Body will meet or exceed the regulatory requirements applicable to the School.


We will exercise good environmental stewardship, endeavouring at all times to make ethical choices and to reduce the negative impact of our activities. We will instil a sense of responsibility for the environment in the boys.

Read the full plan

Our richly illustrated plan explains our vision for equipping our pupils to live successful and worthwhile lives in a fast-changing world replete with opportunity. Comprehensive in its scope, the 34-page plan looks at the attributes boys will need, identifies ten overall priorities for the School, and sets out our specific commitments to working these priorities out in every area of life at QE.

Building on Distinction
Our Mission
Our Priorities