The Governing Body Sub-Committees are as follows:

  • Admissions (Chair: Eric Houston)
  • Child Protection, Safeguarding & Wellbeing (Chair: Jane Ferguson)
  • Discipline (Pupils) (Chair: Eric Houston)
  • Estates (Chair: Naresh Raval)
  • Finance, Audit & Risk (Chair: Colin Price)
  • Salaries Review (Chair: Nick Gaskell)
  • Staff (Chair: Eric Houston)
  • Staff (Appeals) (Chair: David Farrer)

Membership of these Sub-Committees (which have between 3 and 6 members) is dependent on the relevant experience and expertise of the Governor. Further information on committee membership and terms of reference can be found here.

The work of the Governing Body, sub-committees, individual Governors and executive leadership is informed by the School’s Scheme of Delegation.

Attendance at Sub-Committee Meetings

The Finance, Audit & Risk Sub-Committee has four scheduled meetings a year (once a term, plus a meeting to deal with the annual accounts). Other Sub-Committees meet on an ad hoc basis, as necessary and by mutual arrangement; therefore attendance by members was 100%.