The Governing Body
Queen Elizabeth’s is fortunate to benefit from an experienced and talented Governing Body, which sets the School’s overall strategic direction and ensures that the highest standards of education, safeguarding and financial probity are maintained.
The Governing Body is ultimately responsible for the performance of the School and plays a key role both in establishing objectives and holding the Senior Leadership Team to account. At QE, governors bring to bear their considerable professional experience in business, finance, the law, architecture and project management, as well as a range of educational institutions, to provide constructive support and challenge to the Headmaster and his colleagues.
The Governing Body was itself established by the Charter of 1573 which founded the School. The document, signed by Queen Elizabeth I, mandated a corporate Governing body, of 24 “discreet and honest men” who were to hold ownership of the School’s assets, the power to appoint and dismiss staff and the authority to regulate its affairs. The Governors have subsequently shaped the history of the School through their decisions, deeds and, for more than two centuries, through the financial support they provided at their own personal expense.
The Governing Body, of which details can be found below, continues to be at the forefront of ensuring the School’s present and future success.
You can find out more about how the Governing Body is constituted, its sub-committees and details of current governors’ attendance and registered interests by clicking on the respective links.