School Policies
School policies, set and reviewed by our Governing Body, help communicate our expectations of pupils, parents and staff and promote strategies that will lead to boys enjoying successful, safe and happy school lives.
Below you will find current versions of a host of policies, some of which are required by law and others which have been constructed and implemented by the School to further our support and provision in areas such as mental health & wellbeing and enrichment.
Careers Provider Access Statement
Equal Opportunities Policy (including equality objectives)
Governors’ Statement of Education
Information & Communication Technology (ICT)
Management of Medical Conditions
Model publication scheme (ICO)
Pupil Discipline (Behaviour Policy)
Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2024-25
Safeguarding (including Child Protection)
School Development Plan 2021-25
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development