Leadership & Governance
The vital importance of effective leadership in ensuring the success of any school is now well attested. Queen Elizabeth’s School’s very high standing is due in large measure to the strong oversight, clear strategy and efficient management provided by the Governing Body and the Senior Leadership Team.
In addition to ensuring that the School maintains high educational standards and that its finances are sound, they also have responsibility for other important matters. These include safeguarding, discharging the responsibilities that come with QE’s status as an Academy, and continually making certain that all boys, irrespective of their personal circumstances, have the opportunity to reach their fullest potential.
Beyond the Headmaster and his team of senior staff, other teachers also fulfil an important role through leadership of academic departments and areas of the School such as our pastoral system and our extra-curricular activities.
It is our aspiration that the Elizabethans of today will go on to become the leaders of their generation – in business, the professions, academia, culture, politics and public service. Developing the skills and character required for leadership is part of their progression through the School.
Therefore, the boys themselves are encouraged to exercise leadership, with those taking up positions of responsibility not only contributing to the running of the School, but also setting an example for their peers. The School Captain and his team of Prefects, drawn from the Sixth Form, provide substantial help in day-to-day matters; lower down the School, the positions available include Form Captains and House representatives.
The links on this page lead to important information related to the management of the School, including the ways in which QE fulfils various legal requirements through its policies and practices.