During the Second World War, Elizabethans once again served their country with distinction. Many were honoured for their contributions to the war effort, whilst further young men sadly lost their lives.

The 65 Elizabethans killed during the war are commemorated in the School’s entrance hall and are remembered each year as part of our Remembrance Day activities. The service of those who have gone before us, is a key theme of the School prayer:

‘Inspire us, O Lord, so to do our work today that, even as we are being helped by the remembrance of the loyal lives of those who came before us, so our faithfulness in Thy service may aide those who shall take our places.’

C.E.W Abraham A.R.G Harvey C.A Ratcliff
C.P Adams R.H.W Hatt P.J Richards
J.E Baillie E.R Henderson G.A Robertson
D.R Barrett W.C Hubbard D.R Rogers
R.C.S Bates B.C Jealous D.G Shaw
J.S Brownsell F.T Keeping H.G Shrimpton
E.P Bull K.H Kemp C.J Simmonds
L.J Campion E.G Lindon F.E Skinner
F.L Carter J.A Mack G.C Smale
R. Cave P.D Mackie M.H Small
D.C Clark P.W.L Malcolm G.H Smith
H.K Cockerill J.B.C Methven E.H.R Soane
R.P Dormer M.J Mortlock D.H Stent
S.E English J.B Morton J.G Swain
J.I.P Ford E.J Myers R.G Tinsley
E.H Francis G.R Nelms A.G Towler
K.B Gladwin A.G.H Nichols C.C Turner
F.S Gregory C.H Norman J. Weaver
B.R Guy M.J O’Leary R.J Wright
J.M Haines G. Osborne R.M Wright
D.D Hall N.D.M Parsons W.C Yetton
G.B Hanson J.L Price


Those honoured in WWII are similarly commemorated.

K.D Bullett DSC
J.H.G Chapman OBE
D.W Cobden DFC
L.J Evans MC
C.R Godfrey DFC & Bar
H.G Holmes DSM
D.L Hughes DFC
W.A.N James MBE
G.H.W Kingsmill MM
G.O Lace DFC
G.H Metson MC
R. Moore DFM
M.J. O’Leary DFC & Bar
J.P Parmiter DSC
B.G Richards BEM
B.H.C Russell CBE
R.G Smith DFC
J.G Swain DFC
H.G Thomas DFM
G.W Tripp OBE
W.H Turner MBE
J.T Whittemore BEM