Leading by example
The 2019 School Captain, Bhiramah Rammanohar, achieved a clean sweep of A* grades in his Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Physics A-levels, securing a place to read Medicine at Jesus College, Cambridge.
Bhiramah excelled across many areas of School life and is an accomplished musician: he has been involved in a number of ensembles, including Symphonic Winds, Symphony Orchestra and the Barbershop singing group. “I am so grateful for the experiences I have managed to have at QE. Without QE, I don’t think I would be as interested in Music or would have been able to lead in the way I did. I was not particularly good at sport, but even then, there were so many different sports you could try out, and the teachers were so supportive.”
Through School friends, he has been active as a volunteer with the charity youthconnectionlondon, focusing on helping the homeless in the capital.
While Bhiramah would enjoy the physical interaction between doctor and patient and is interested in going into oncology as a clinical field, he is also drawn by medical research, having scored top marks in his Extended Project Qualification looking at biochemical indicators for autism.